Crazy Prometric Experience

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  • #175560

    I decided to start a new thread for this, because to me this was unbelievable.

    I got to the testing site this morning at 7:40 and was number 8 in line. Just after 8:00 one of the test takers came out of the testing room and back into the lobby. She was taking the CPA exam and she said her computer wouldn’t pull up the exam at all. She never got the first screen where you enter the launch code. She was also taking REG, so I was getting pretty nervous. A few minutes later a group of people taking the GRE came out and said they were having computer issues as well. There were at least two other people in the lobby besides us taking the CPA exam.

    I finally got called back and checked in. Thankfully my REG test came right up and I had no issues. I finished the multiple choice questions up in 1:15 and took a quick break. The same women who had the REG issues was still in the lobby. She said that they had to reschedule her and another one of the people taking the CPA exam. The other person that I knew was taking the CPA exam was in the room so apparently he had no problems either.

    I know people have had issues with the Prometric centers before but this was the first problem I have seen. I know things like this happen, but the CPA exam is so stressful anyway that I think I may have had a heart attack if they made me reschedule.

    FAR 78
    AUD 85
    BEC 79
    REG 83

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  • Author
  • #391927

    I had a pretty unbelievable experience this morning as well with Prometric. It was absolutely terrible. I waited in the lobby for almost an hour and a half before being called in to take the test. Talk about making me sweat it out! It was brutal, especially since two people also taking the CPA who arrived almost 45 minutes after me were called to take the test before me. I'm curious if we were in the same test center because I also saw a slue of GRE people (who also arrived after me) being called in to take the test. I was not at all happy, and you are 100% correct. Taking the CPA is stressful enough without having to wait things out beforehand. I wrote a not-so-nice evaluation upon completion of the exam. I'm probably going to call and complain on Monday as well because this morning was just ridiculous. But in any case, it's over with and now it's onto the waiting game! Hope your exam went well!


    Well, I was notifiied the prometric center in my area ( about 45 min from home) is not offering the cpa exam anymore because there are not enough people in my area taking the test. So I have to go to Memphis or Nashville which are both 2 1/2 hours travel time from me….what a bummer. I plan to make a bad thing good, Since I have to travel and reschedule, I am going to spend a few nights in Memphis at the Hampton…..treat myself to some relaxation before and after the exam.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Allbiz11, if you took your exam in KS, then we were probably at the same place.

    Tncincy, the prometric center I test at is an hour and 15 minutes away, which is not terrible. There is a slightly closer one but it is in a very bad neighborhood so I gladly drive a bit further.

    I've driven through Nashville many times and the traffic there is crazy.

    FAR 78
    AUD 85
    BEC 79
    REG 83


    I chose Memphis, I am hoping for a good experience…especially with the mall close by. After the test of course. 😀

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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