Chances of passing REG without finishing sims?

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  • #1660606

    I allocated an hour for sims and completed only 2/7 sims. I know it’s highly unlikely, but has anyone passed Reg with incomplete sims??

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  • #1660613

    sorry but it seems unlikely or impossible. MCQ is 50% of grade and sims are 50% of your grade. Assuming the sims are evenly weighted, 50% + 50% x (2/7) is only 65%. For the 5 sims you didnt complete, did you answer any parts of the question or they were all completely blank?

    did you plan to have only 1 hour left for the SIMs or did it just take you a long time for the MCQ? Ideally, you should have both MCQ testlets done in 1.5 hrs and have 2.5 hrs for SIMs. Did you do the research based SIMs? if you are running low on time, you should work on those first since they dont take much time usually.


    Yes, numerous posters report having passed a section of the exam when leaving one or two TBS black (it's a frequently discussed topic – the search box is your friend if you want to know more). But… REG has 8 TBS, of which 1 is a pretest. That means you completed only 1 or 2 of the 7 “production” TBS. Collectively, the TBS are worth 50% of your overall score. Even if you scored 100 on the MCQ and two TBS you completed, passing would be a long-shot. Unfortunately, it's almost certain you failed. If I were you, I'd begin preparing for my retake now. And this time, make sure you know how the exam is scored and read up on recommended time allotments — you should be reserving between 2 – 2.5 hours for the TBS. If you spent 3 hours on the MCQ, that means you didn't know the material -> you should'be just guessed and moved on, hoping you could make up the points in the TBS.


    Agreed with @PNS2CLT sadly. Just guess on the MCQ if you don't know it. Pick B or C (or, choice 2 or 3 on the list of 4 choices). I think there was more than an average number of people were doing well on the MCQ up until Q2 of this year, allowing them to pass. The new format of the exam doesn't allow people to pass anymore if they leave 3 or more SIMs blank. Unless maybe 3 were left blank and one was the pre-test and they aced the MCQ.


    The Sims in REG are brutal because they are so random. I didn’t leave any Sims blank (but completely guessed on the only Sim with drop down menus) and only earned a 66 😨. But, I did not do very well in the other sims.

    Goodluck and definitely allocate at least 2 hours for the REG Sims. They are very time consuming and require higher order thinking.


    I know someone who skipped two sims, was iffy on the others, and swears he got 100% on the MCQ. He ended up getting a 75.

    As a re-taker of REG, I recommend launching right back into study mode while things are still fresh in your mind and scheduling an exam soon. You'll get it this second time!


    Just wait for your score, anything at this point is speculation. Also in the future, if you are running out of time, go to the rest of the sims and put a 0 for every box. You might end up getting some points that way.

    REG - 2/19/16 - 77!
    BEC - 4/16/16 - 79!!
    AUD - 6/04/16 - 84!!!
    FAR - 8/31/16

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