Anyone totally mess up on SIM and MCQ not get harder and still pass REG????

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  • #179250

    Took REG yesterday and having a total panic attack last night, I need some reassurance that its possible that i passed. I didnt feel like the questions were getting harder, maybe the 3rd testlet was a bit tougher than the second but not 100% sure. but the SIMS were a disaster, I had only 5 mins to do the last SIM and it was a topic i totally didnt know so just put in random numbers. none of the SIMS were dropped down boxes, they were all calculations and i def messed up on another SIM after i checked when i got home from the test… the other 3 besides the research weren’t great either but prob between 50-60 % confident i did those right and Research was really hard not sure about that one. anyone have a similar experience and still pass… I am giving birth in October and really dont want to sit for REG again !! πŸ™

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  • #429482

    I've passed without the MCQs seeming to get harder at all – for FAR, I felt underprepared going into the exam (family medical emergencies disrupted my last few studies days), and the MCQs didn't seem to get harder. I couldn't imagine that I just knew the material so well that the difficult ones seemed easy, but they really didn't seem to get progressively more difficult! My SIMs weren't terrible, though. They all required computations and journal entries, but I felt OK with them. And…I got an 83. So, if our MCQs were comparable, then you could lose up to 8 points more than me on the SIMs and we'd both pass. So, hopefully you're fine. πŸ™‚

    But with a baby due in October, that definitely puts the pressure on! If baby is due later in the month, and if you feel really bad about this test, I'd almost recommend scheduling it for Oct 1 or so and studying these next 2 months. But, you've still got a chance at passing – we'll hope you do! πŸ™‚


    I would love to know as well (I sat REG Monday). I felt like the MCQ were too easy (maybe flagged 2-4 per testlet and hoping those were pre-test questions) and competely bombed the SIMs. One was embarassing and I just didn't have enough time to get through others. Fingers crossed for both of us!!!


    I sat for REG last month and passed with an 85. This was my first exam, and like the OP, I couldn't tell if the MCQs were getting harder. I've noticed a lot of people on this forum tend to equate longer questions/answers and more calculation intensive questions with being “harder”. In general, I tend to agree with this, although I don't think this is always the case, there's really no way to tell. My 2nd and 3rd testlets still had some very short, one-sentence questions, so I honestly had no idea how I was doing. I didn't score in the 90s or anything, so I guess there's the possibility that I had all medium testlets.

    For the SIMS, I think I got 2 of them 100% correct, 2 of them maybe 25 – 30%, 1 of them I completely guessed on, and I didn't find the research question in time, although I filled in the IRC paragraph letter and by pure luck it happened to be correct.

    Long story short, I felt very similar to both of you regarding the MCQs and not too good about the SIMs and still passed. Good luck!


    thanks everyone… feel a little calmer now. Need to make it thru the next 2 weeks without obsessing about it.

    Xenia W.

    I AM EAGER TO KNOW AS WELL!!!!! my 3rd testlet actually went to easy (I think its more so easier than 1st one!!!) Or maybe my brain was fried after the first 2 testlets and I lost sense of how difficulty the 3rd testlest!

    ANyway.. I really would like to know if anyone passed if the 3rd testlet is easy and the SIMU is disastrous!!!!!!!

    Can't wait for another 2 weeks for the result!!

    BEC: 80! Nov 17, 2012
    REG: 79! July 23, 2013
    AUD: πŸ™ Nov 6, 2013

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