Anyone ever have this happen?

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  • #1719421

    Anyone ever look up questions you weren’t sure of after the the test and realize you got like 10 m/c wrong and still pass?

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  • #1719466

    I'm sure that has happened to someone. My last exam for BEC I know I missed at least 5 mcc and I still passed. There are so many variables that go into your score so you really shouldn't stress about a test you have already taken. The weight of every mcq is different and also the pretest questions could include those missed mcps you are talking about.

    If I were you, I would start on another section until score release and then depending on your score, decide plan going forward.


    Thanks, luckily this is my last section so I don't have to worry about any others.


    I have a bad habit of bringing my textbooks to the exam and leaving them in the car, and reviewing questions as soon as I get out of the exam.
    I never feel very confident after I start looking through the books at all the things I got wrong.


    Oh absolutely… I had this happen with FAR..We tend to remeber the questions that we had trouble with and forget the easy ones.. relax, I had like at least 7 i got wrong off the bat..still passed!!!

    FAR-83 (May 2016)


    @dbul my mind is generally so fried after the exam that I can't remember questions well enough to look them up. There was one instance right after REG where I googled a question related to Business Law to see if I had answered it correctly on the exam; I hadn't. I was afraid that would be the ONE question that would cause me to fail; it' wasn't. I failed by a lot. Haha! Fortunately, I retook it and scored a 77. Try not to overanalyze too much, and hopefully you passed!


    This is the reason I never ever look at my notes or textbook afterwards…I put it all aside, and just hope for the best. Things come up before score release, where I panic and wonder if I did right…But there is no point in wondering…It's all done at this point. There is a chance you passed.

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