Anyone else get crushed by REG this testing window? - Page 2

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  • #1497663

    I sat for REG yesterday and left feeling absolutely defeated. I’m using Roger and studied more for REG than any exam in my life. The MCQ’s weren’t too bad, at least I think I did well with them, but the TBS’s were unbelievably hard. I just stared at the screen flipping between the questions because I had NO clue on them. I wish there were at least the type of sims that allowed you to select from a choice of answers but with the exception of the research question the other five were all fill in the blank.
    I’ll give REG another shot next window. Any suggestions as to whether I should redo the REG studying with Roger or switch to something else?
    Yesterday just killed me because I went in for the exam more confident than ever but just got CRUSHED..

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  • #1498179

    This is scary. I'm planning to take an exam in the first week of March. Using Roger and Ninja MCQ. Overall I'm doing good in practice MCQ and Sims. but the main problem is I have a hard time remembering all information. I keep forgetting some material I learned 4 weeks ago and need to go back and review it. I'm just scared that during the exam I won't able to recall that information and ended up failing. BEC was a bad experience also. Do you guys think AICPA wants to hit us hard before major exam change in Q2 since they know many people will be sitting for BEC and REG.?


    Unbelievable… I actually passed the REG exam, albeit it was with a 75 but I'll take it. Woohoooooo. Good luck on your exams everyone!


    Omg how'd you get away with that!? Wow…congrats! That's amazing.

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