Almost There

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  • #1668697

    Anyone have three down? How’re you dealing with it?

    I started my process by taking and passing FAR last October. I had BEC scheduled in November, but I found myself frozen, worrying about my FAR score, and studied poorly. Received a 73.

    Proceeded to take and pass AUD in December, and started studying for REG by Christmas. However, concerned about the new format for BEC, I switched gears, scheduled my BEC retake in early January as busy season was getting started and passed.

    Switched right back to REG as busy season was getting into high gear and with short time, I took REG as I had originally scheduled it in January, and narrowly missed being completely done, getting a 69.

    Scheduled my retake in May, but still had alot of work backed up, and I didn’t restart the process A-Z as Jeff advises, I just did a few hundred problems.

    Waited the entire summer, to find out I had failed again, again scoring a 69 (which probably means I scored better on the MCQ’s and probably about the same on SIMS, just suffered from the new weighting a bit). I also had a couple nasty sims on Estate and Gift tax that really crushed me, I wasn’t ready for them.

    Took REG today for the third time after rewatching all my videos and doing around 900 problems between Becker and Ninja….and it…..seemed easy. I didn’t notice the second testlet get any harder, and then the SIMS were really everything I had been studying, no surprises whatsoever. I’m feeling nervous-good….The first REG, I felt I had failed and I did, my first retake I felt I had passed and I failed..This time I don’t have a clue either way, I just felt prepared but i’m still nervous about the score.

    Three more weeks of waiting….Sorry, had to vent a little!

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  • #1668712

    I've been on this journey for 2.5 years. Started in May 2015 taking AUD and scored poorly. Turned around and took it in July – still no dice. Took REG after and passed! Then life happened – as I was preparing for my next exam my husband and I went through a rough period. Separated and trying to work things out, I just couldn't focus on the exam. Had a trip to Europe planned with my mom in spring of 2016 that was supposed to be the “yay for CPA!” trip, but didn't work out that way. Had some motivational troubles coming back from that. Finally started hitting the books again late that summer/fall, and took FAR back to back (69), then AUD (69) and BEC (70). Trying to get them all done before I lost REG in February, which didn't work out so well.

    Started again after busy season this year. Finally passed AUD and FAR. Took REG a few weeks ago, and now I'm studying for BEC and will be taking that in just under 2 weeks. I am struggling with this section so much. It all seems so foreign. I'm just trying to push through in the hopes that my very long journey will finally be complete. I'm not confident I passed REG, but I'm hopeful.

    AUD - 56 - 68 - 61 - 9/8/16
    REG - 75
    FAR - 7/15/16
    BEC - TBD

    Wiley CPAexcel and NINJA 10 Point Combo


    Unfortunately I can relate. Failed 7 Straight exams from 10/2013 to 4/2016. Beginning 4/2016 passed AUD, BEC, FAR. Since 12/2016 have failed REG with 60,66, and after being hopeful and waiting all summer a 73. Retested 11/20 hopefully I passed. Sent an email to my board inquiring should I need a Q1 2018 attempt as my AUD score expires 2/5/18 and scores are released 2/6/18. So I've been thinking either way this is my last exam bc I REFUSE to retest something I've already passed. Trying to be positive but at the end of the day I'm done making myself miserable over a rigged accounting exam.

    Accounting Adam

    Focus up fellas! Keep going!

    Dreams are born is misery and accomplished through anguish!


    almost there, thought I'd finally finish this quarter but it'll take a miracle. I gave myself only 4 weeks for bec and that's not going to cut it. I'll be taking it on 12/8 but 99% sure I'll be back here again. I've been almost there this whole year. I only needed to pass far, now lost bec. So back to 50% done. My energy and brain is zapped. Don't know how to refuel it.

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