3rd REG Attempt

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  • #1558411

    Just took REG for the 3rd time. Very, very, sad thing folks…The people at the testing center recognize me and talk me!!! I really don’t know how to take that, but I digress.

    I would agree with others regarding the new format in that there is no Boogey Man. The content seems about the same. My first testlet seemed difficult and I think the second one got more difficult. I think I marked about 6-7 per testlet. In the times I had to guess I really didn’t feel like there was enough of a difference in the answers to be satisfied with my choice. Very frustrating in that my final ninja stats were 2735 Mcqs attemepted Avg score 67% Avg trending 82.67%. At the end of that day I prepared as best I could using the blueprint as my guideline.

    The Simulations…this is where the effd with me! I mean some of the things I was asked made me feel like they’ve already counted my $200 for the re-take in there budget. The topics that I got awful!!! Again I tried to use the blueprint as a guide in what I emphasized in my studies. Let’s just say “wink” “wink” that was time well spent. I mean I get it, they want to stress you so at the end of the day you felt like you earned it. All I have to say in my best Chris Carter voice is “Come on main” stop the madness. If the SIMS are supposed to be realistic representations of what goes on at work, I say we should less of them and they are more comprehensive. I would not be expected to successfully resolve that many issues at my job in 2 hrs. Trust me working in operations accounting there are many, many issues that aren’t closed to being resolved in 17.5 mins per incident. I gave it my best. I hope there are enough people out there that had my experience or worse to bend the curve to my advantage.

    I feel the main takeaways are:
    Don’t be intimidated of the content, its just a change in format. Also I would add due to the increase perceived difficulty of the questions I received Id recommend 50-60 Mcqs per session instead of 40. The 38 MCQs I got felt like I was answering 76.

    Use the 15 min break to your advantage. I stretched for about 7 mins, took many deep breaths, drank water, and brought healthy snacks (apples and carrots). Its good to loosen yourself because the stress of getting it all done can get to the best of us.

    Become very familiar with AL. I am not sure how much it helped because I felt rushed and nervous, but I used AL to help guide me on all my SIMS. I mean I had some freakn doozies. I swear the SIMS I got had I’ll seeing you again next testing window, but I am gonna try and stay positive.

    Good luck to all taking REG this window. Crossing my fingers that I can go from candidate to consultant on this next score release

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  • #1558791

    I've got my 3rd attempt tomorrow…AL?


    AL = Authoritative Literature


    I just took REG today and felt the same way. I am very doubtful that I passed. The SIMs were ridiculous…Ninja and Wiley SIMs are not anywhere close in difficulty to what the actual exam is like.


    @Wanna_B_TXCPA2014 – “If the SIMS are supposed to be realistic representations of what goes on at work, I say we should less of them and they are more comprehensive. I would not be expected to successfully resolve that many issues at my job in 2 hrs.” – OMG! THANK YOU!!! LOL! I just took AUD this afternoon and felt the same way about the SIMS! Like who can actually do this amount of work, CORRECTLY, in such little time! I'd be fired quick status for rushing and not being given adequate time to review my work prior to submitting it! They barely even give us enough time to read the dang questions and actually THINK about what the answer could be before answering!

    Another pet peeve I have is that the SIMS I got weren't even like the SIMS I did in GLEIM (that were actually testing me on audit related material! SMH!) I did amazing on the MCQ's and SIMS in GLEIM. I wish I could say the same about the SIMS on the exam I took today. The AICPA tries so hard to incorporate topics from every single topic of accounting into each section as opposed to just staying in one lane at a time. They might as well just go back to the olden days were we sat for all the exams in a 2-day period. Geez. So annoyed right now. lol.

    Thanks @MeanJoe – I was wondering what AL was as well. haha.


    Same here, I took Reg today, feeling so anxious having to wait until August to find out! It would be such a relief if they can let us find out sooner. Not sure how much they will “curve” the people test in this window. When I was testing I though it was ok. I studied full-time for 2 months for it and I did practice a couple sims. But now I'm getting more and more unsure about what I did on the exam. I can't stop thinking about it. So bad!


    @zxu2v2 – I know, having to wait til August is a drag! But… since there's nothing we can do, and I still have REG and FAR to pass, all I can do is start studying for my next section. I want to try to sit for both in Q3, so I may just wait til September 22nd to check all three scores at once. I feel like I'm going to have to go back to kindergarten and start fresh when I study for both FAR and REG as I don't know squat about either, so I'm not sure if giving myself 8-weeks is sufficient. What exams do you have left?


    @WANNA_B_TXCPA2014 i have never used the AICPA Blueprint before.

    I take REG next wednesday, and im really worried about the sims

    I just downloaded the Blueprint, did the blueprint really help you when studying? Also, did the ninja mcq not help at all? Meaning , focusing on the areas and the type of questions you might see on the exam . Im also worried, that im not being exposed to a lot of variety in ninja mcq.
    Also, is it worth it for me to practice a bunch of DRS Sims, or just do a couple of them just to get the time structure down and the format.

    I know i'm pounding thru the MCQ during my review phase, i feel like i learn more like that vs doing the sims.

    Let me know what you think, i might start using this blueprint if it really helped you on the exam


    @n_123 I think the blue print kind of helped. I say that because Im usually scatter brained about what to focus on during my final review. The blueprint did help me focus. As far as what I saw on the actual exam I would say I got a curveball. I felt I had more of the little emphasized topics than the weighted outline as I was testing. You should concentrate by weight on the important topics but make sure you identify a strategy to get yourself comfortable to guess on your weak areas. You cant beat yourself up for not knowing it all, so make yourself comfortable with guessing.

    Yes do as many DRS as you can. I am not sure if you can really simulate the difficulty of seen on the actual exam with the Ninja or Becker Sims maybe Gleim but Ive never used those. There are so many things that go through your mind reading those things along with the stress of the moment. The real work is maintaining a calm enough demeanor to focus. Maybe to practice try and do 6-7 sims in like 30-45mins that may help you a little in regards to practicing under pressure. Wish I had a better answer.

    Overall my best advice is figure out how to relax and perform. No matter how hard you study, this test is going to punch you in the face!! Don't freak out about getting hit, resolve within yourself that you will hit back harder!!!


    Hello loveandbeloved, I don't know why my signature is not showing. I passed the BEC before the change and took REG yesterday. I'm planning on taking AUD in July. So I can get my AUD score soon after Aug 18 my REG score shows up. It makes me feel like I can get two scores about the same time. I don't have to wait for so long for a score. I think it is really good to get multiple scores at the same time. The waiting process is killing me. Did you ask if it sufficient to study REG for 8 weeks or study REG and FAR for 8 weeks? For REG, 8 weeks is sufficient enough. I studies about 8 weeks full-time. I feel like 2 months is my upper limit that I can store that much material in my brain. As I studied the last modules, I feel like I was forgetting the materials I learned in the earlier modules. Even if I can rememeber the material from earlier modules, it took me more time to do the MCQs. And I go back to review from time to time. I would go crazy is I study more than 2 month for a single section. The exam date is actually a relief for me.



    Thanks for your advice. Ya i am noticing that i'm getting caught up on the same little details that are not a big area or that arent application questions such as (What average gross receipts amount is AMT exempt from, vs knowing how to calculate the AMT). Ill definitely take your advice on the sims, since i freak out on those. Lets see how this goes. Hopefully i don't get punched that hard. Haha

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