2013 Reg Exam Experience

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  • #175668

    So this is my first post ever. I have read these threads to get me through the exam experience because I feel alone in this whole thing. I have a great support system mind you, but they don’t really “get it”. I haven’t seen many 2013 exam experiences on here and I thought since I depend on reading all of your threads maybe it was time for me to share.

    So today was Reg exam day. I took it in November and scored a heart breaking 74…..totally ruined my Christmas. I walked in feeling pretty good. I have been focused and was scoring pretty well on my practice exams in the 80’s. I used Yaeger and I have to say, I think they do a good job of preparing you. So let me break it down how I felt and maybe some of you can relate.

    Testlet 1: WAS GREAT! I flagged a few but I felt very confident. If the rest of the exam went this way I was going to pass. I would say the questions were of medium difficulty with some easy MCQ’s.

    Testlet 2: Ummmm yeah way harder right off the bat. MCQ’s were more detailed. I spent more time on this testlet than I wanted to but I feel like I was able to get through with it without wanting to jump from a 30 story building. There were about 3 that I flat out just guessed becasue I had no clue.

    Testlet 3: MCQ’s were better but not easy. I would say medium difficult which makes me think testlet 2 may have not gone as well.

    Overall MCQ’s I felt decent about and still thought it wasn’t too horrible.

    Testlet 4: THE SIMS………… (I had a little over an hour left at this point._

    Ok first of all WTH is with these freaking detailed sims that have like 50 parts to them????? 3 hours for MCQ’s and SIMS that have a million parts/calculations to them SERIOUSLY????

    There were 4 sims that I was thinking “God I hope they give me enough partial credit”. If I could have answered my way and not in the format the exam made me go through I would have done better since I did know the topics thy were asking about. One SIM I left blank because guess what??? i ran out of time. The other SIM was a complete guess. I put crap in there and tried to give it my best shot but I woud bet a million bucks I got 10% partial credit on that one if any credit.

    My feelings when I left the exam were I didn’t walk out feeling like I bombed it. However, I don’t know if I did well enough to pass. My score range was probably b/t 70-80 if I had to make an educated guess. Watch….I say that and my score will be a 50.

    Well I hope you guys can read this and if you had a similar experience, know you are not alone. On to BEC and then hopfully I am done. I WANT MY LIFE BACK!!!!



    REG-74 Retest 1/13/13

    BEC- 2/24/13

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  • #392489

    Sorry to hear about your REG exam. If you read the REG Exam Experience thread, you will find this is pretty common among REG test takers, including myself. I too thought the SIMs were brutal, though I had way more than an hour to tackle them. I feel for you! If you got a 74 last time and restudied well, you have a good chance of passing. Good luck!

    BEC: (4/2012) 88
    AUD: (5/2012) 91
    REG: (8/2012) 82
    FAR: (1/2013) 78 🙂

    VA CPA #42010


    I took REG this morning and I have to say, after passing FAR and AUD on my first attempt, I don't know what to think….

    I'll start with the SIMS, all drop down menus, one research. No love at all. One of entire SIMS was on such a detailed topic, it had to be a practice one. At least, I hope. The rest were all managable. Research and one of the others were pretty simple. The other three were challenging but I feel like I got more than 50% of them right.

    This is the first exam where I didn't notice an increase in difficulty between any of the testlets. I only marked 7, 4, 4 in each of the testlets, respectively. It was weird, I felt like I was getting the questions right but the tax related questions never really seemed to increase in difficulty at all. There were alot of short and simple questions on all three testlets. The questions I covered in Wiley and CPAexcel were much more difficult which makes me worried. Any similiar experiences? If so, how were your results?

    FAR - 84 (7/21/12)
    Audit - 89 (10/8/12)
    REG - 81 (1/14/12)
    BEC - 4/25/13


    Closing this down so we don't have multiple experience threads…


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