REG so much material

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    Just few days away from my last exam which is REG. The material at first was actually pretty entertaining? But now as i have to cram in as much material into my brain heading into the exam, it is no joke. People who have passed the exam how much did you felt prepared heading into the exam?

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    I know what you mean. I feel like i always forget a small detail every time i circle back around. there is just so much information.

    FAR: 74 1/15/16, 72 7/2/16 -_-
    BEC: TBD
    REG: TBD
    AUD: TBD

    "Nothing is impossible to him who will try" - Andy Bernard


    Joon, its impossible to feel 100% prepared. REG was my nemesis. I like to compare my study experience, especially with REG to a conveyor belt — i know this is going to sound weird! — But when I would study and learn new material it would be like me placing an item on that conveyor. As time moved on that material I learned would slowly creep down the conveyor until it fell off. My goal was to cram as much shi* on that conveyor before the older information I had learned fell off. This is why you hear people say never to study for more then 2 months for an exam, its inevitable you will learn things and then over time you will slowly forget it and have to re-learn it.

    So what you are experiencing is normal. I took 9 exams in total before I passed all 4 and not once did I come into an exam thinking I was 100% prepared. There were many times I felt confident but you always have a few topics you are just hoping won't be tested. Good luck on your last exam!

    FAR - 78
    REG - 72,74,71...please just go away REG nobody likes you!
    BEC - 82
    AUD - Aug 16


    I think REG is the worst section. Even compared to FAR…FAR is mostly just applying mechanical formulas and concepts whereas REG is much more like a puzzle that involves a lot more abstract thought and conceptual thinking.


    I agree that Tax is really like puzzle piece and is everywhere. Everywhere has phaseout, eligibility, restrictions, so much to memorize!!! I try to memorize the numbers that held unchanged over the years instead of things changing every year. My REG exam is next Monday, this is my second one. Hope I can cram this!!


    In 11 days I will also be taking my REG exam so good luck to you. I also believe this is an area that is quite difficult to retain information along with the fact that they will try to trick you in their wording. I'm nervous about the simulation but at the same time I understand that its over the information we have been studying. I believe that if we focus on our timing, we will be just fine. We will get through this, and we will get our CPA.


    Thank you everyone for sharing their thoughts! Greatly appreciate it. Now all I've got to do is go all out until the exam. I Wish everyone here good luck on their exams!


    REG was the hardest exam for me. Good luck!


    How many questions, per day, is everyone shooting for during final review? I am aiming at about 100 (I could do more but I really try to soak in the explanations of why I got certain things wrong). I'll have about 5 days – so 500 questions. I have a feeling this is fewer than most people, in which case I might need to step it up? I realize it's all relative, but at a certain point, I'm just going through the motions and hoping to put this horrible section behind me.


    I'm just trying to do as much as I can, which tends to often be 100mcqs give or take and a few sims per day…though i'm noticing some particularly weird questions in ninja mcqs…at least weird to me…seeing as I mainly used Roger and am aiming with ninja to be like a cram…but now i'm forgetting some of Roger's memory aids and mneumonics, and those things only help me when I can remember them well enough…and the ninja adaptive learning is giving me questions on topics that are no longer tested…so that's a bit of an annoyance…


    I was about to focus mainly on my notes and book as a final review, but as you guys said ninja mcq probably is a good idea as well.


    @cparks17, I am also using roger and almost finishing up cram course. Are you also using cram course?
    For me, cram course is refreshing my memory. I have 9 days left with one more round of MCQs from Roger, First round MCQs of Ninja and review of sims and researched based question. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE.


    I felt pretty prepared walking into REG but only because I failed on my first try (did a terrible job studying on and off for 3 months because I got swamped at work). I nailed the tax portion hard but in the end I felt a little overwhelmed with information mostly because the business law portion contains so much fluff. My guess it that you are getting bogged down with business law too. Don't stress over business law, definitely review and learn the material but trust me keep your logic simple and don't overthink. In my experience, 40% of the fluff I saw in REG was not even tested when I took it both times. Trust what you know is what I kept telling myself during my second exam, and try not to over analyze a question. Think of the facts you know and answer each question 1 by 1.


    @Madhav: it's complicated…though the funny thing is that we had the same scores for FAR and BEC…though my first attempt was a rush attempt at all 4…come what I call “round 2”, I had improvement in REG and AUD, and was 2 points away on REG…though I didn't really have the time to do enough of the crams for those 2…so this time I'm trying Ninja as a cram for REG…and wishing I'd started the ninja MCQs sooner and could do the adaptive learning function without the “do not study” questions.

    @Ashiaj: I think business law and ethics were my weaker areas when I was really close too. I definitely need to spend a good day reviewing those…but clock is ticking, since I've got my “round 3” with REG on the 23rd.


    to cram or not to cram, that is the question….but if you cram which program is best?

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass

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