Official I Passed REG Thread - Page 20

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    Have no idea how I got a 99! That is amazing, so pumped up. I feel like a got a few wrong, so they must have been pre-tested questions. First off, I have four tax seasons under my belt and been working in tax for four years, so that definitely was a big advantage. I used Roger and watch all of his lectures, most of them twice. Then I read and reviewed his book probably twice. Also, I took about 1,400 MPQ and maybe 30 TBS practice questions. As a secondary review, I skimmed through the very detailed Surgent books which are very detailed and picked up some good tidbits that helped. I would definitely focus the majority of my time studying on all of the tax portion, that will come in handy the most with the TBS. Also, for the research question I would definitely take some time reviewing the structure of the IRC to help you navigate. Also, keep in mind that the IRC is available to help you with your MPQ and TBS as well and not just for the research question. Good luck and on to Audit!


    99? Superb job Kevin! Now AICPA will call you!

    FAR: 74, 80
    BEC: 70, 68, 2/28/15
    REG: 75 Expired; 72
    AUD: TBD

    "And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive". Matthew 21:22


    82 – Passed! Took the exam on 12/6 and this is the longest 2 weeks ever. Feeling so relieved now!


    First CPA exam I've taken and got 80. Reg was a hard exam. I felt horrible about it but I did it. Next is BEC January 14th.


    I was so nervous going into REG because it was my first CPA exam ever. I was definitely in tears when I passed. 3 Exams left to gooo! Congrats everyone!


    I PASSED REG with an 84 on my first try and in 28 days after taking FAR. It was painful, but I wont need to relearn the new tax law, Thank you jesus!
    Here is my REG tips for anyone struggling.
    Let's Slay!


    Bump for Score Release 🙂


    Passed REG with a 76!!


    I also passed with a 76! I'm halfway done and I have a re-take in less than 3 weeks.


    I got 85. REG was the hardest exam in my life.


    91 don't know how I got it, I felt I got a 60.
    I didn't feel my exam was that hard, but I still wasn't sure I got the answers right. I guess I did better than I thought.
    FAR was hard, glad I passed with a 77.


    I am done! Thank you another71 for reminding me that I was not the only one going through this soul crushing experience!! Word of advice – do the time. It took me three times to get REG which was the hardest for me. First attempt I studied for three weeks and got a 72. Second attempt I studied for a week and got a 66. Third attempt (under the new tax code) I buckled down for over a month (even took official leave from work) and I got an 83.

    Best of luck to everyone!

    AUD - 68 (did not prepare) rematch November 2012
    REG - TBD
    FAR - 10/22/2012
    BEC - TBD

    Using becker self study.


    Bump for Score Release


    Passed REG with an 82!! Saved the best for last.. only FAR separating me from being a CPA!


    I passed Reg with a 77 in Q1!!

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