Thank you Jeff !!! Got my license number today !!! Virginia !!! - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #199643

    I want to take a few seconds to thanks Jeff for this great website. I’m a ninja fan since May 2015 and thru out Memorial day weekend, 4th July weekend and the Labor day weekend…. I spent almost around the clock following the study groups that help me to stay in track to finally achieved my goal to become a CPA. Never give up ninjas. I’m 49 with 3 kids…graduated from accounting 20 years ago…took audit 20 years ago and yes indeed and no doubt that it could be done and is possible. English is my second language and my primary language is ANOTHER71 …hahahaha..

    Stay positive, and be persistent no matter the up and downs in life!!!.

    Thanks to all Ninjas!!!!

    Makiu, CPA, MST EA

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  • Author
  • #755453

    Sandia and Makiu, how awesome! I'm in a similar boat! Almost 50, graduated more than 25 years ago AND worked in a completely different industry. Finally got my license this past fall!

    Now, the next hard part. Finding a job. πŸ™ Would love to connect with y'all to network and brain storm!


    That's sound great…don't look for a job…just look for business. All you need is a business plan and then go for it.!!!

    Makiu, CPA, MST, EA


    Congrats, makiu & all of you!

    FAR - < than 75, 10/2013, 2/2015
    BEC - < than 75, 10/2013
    AUD - < than 75, 8/2015, 1/2016

    ~ Winners fail until they succeed. Losers quit when they fail. - Robert Kiyosaki
    ~ I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.
    ~ Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be YOU.
    ~ Right now you may not be where you intend to be, but it's where you need to be in order to get where you want to go.


    Thanks!!! Keep on working hard..How much further you have to go…


    So happy to see all the Virginians (and Puerto Ricans) in this thread! And especially awesome to see people pursuing this later in life (37 here with two kids and husband of 10 years)…guess I am not the only crazy one! Congrats/felicidades to everyone, and can't wait to join you all on the other side (hopefully) in the first score release of March!


    @ Erika!! big congrasssss to you!! TODO UN RETO PERSONAL LOGRADO!! PARA ESTUDIAR NO EXISTE EDAD πŸ™‚

    I got my # two weeks ago, I am still very happy…. I just start looking for a new job and people are calling me πŸ™‚ …

    Mucho exitos!!!!

    FAR - 77 x2 Wiley book & no test bank
    AUD - 83 x3 NINJA Test bank 3 time
    REG - 80 x1 NINJA Test bank
    BEC - 78 X2 NINJA Test bank ..done!!promesa cumplida mama -que llege al cielo πŸ™‚
    Ethic 100% Licensed VA CPA

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