Passed all Parts

  • Creator
  • #1323938

    Thanks to NINJA notes , Audio , and MCQs “i finally did it”. originally I started taking the exam back in 2011 but kept traveling a lot for work and started losing parts. I was also 8 months pregnant and decided to wait till after the baby to re take FAR and be done with it but that did not go as planned. Finally, in October of 2015 I decided to buy NINJA and take a stab at this exam again. I did it with a full time job, a 3 year old , a dog and so much more. YOU CAN SO IT TOO.

    AUD 82 – Only NINJA
    FAR 79 – Only NINJA
    RED 80 – Only NINJA
    BEC 78 _ only NINJA

    So Thank you team at NINJA for designing a product for people like me who are returning back to the exam but do not need all the extra added material that is found in other study materials.

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  • Author
  • #1324136
    Porma Fierles

    Good to know! I know the MCQ is legit. Any advice for FAR or just study as much as you can?


    For FAR (and REG) I'm thinking of getting Ninja Plus in addition to the MCQ/Notes/Book/Audio. BEC and AUD don't seem as difficult. ….ignore the BEC score I got.

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