@Ron Burgundy I switched to Yaeger. Honestly though, the review course wasn't my problem. Laziness was my problem. I could have saved myself a TON of money if I had just worked my tail off from the beginning. And Yaeger didn't help me pass either. Studying like my life depended on it is why I eventually passed.
You paid a ton of money for Becker. All the review courses are boring. It's accounting. :-). If you still have time left for your software license, you should try and stick it out because Yaeger is less expensive, but it certainly isn't cheap. And it's not less boring, either. And they still suggest that you highlight everything too.
AUD - 59, 60, 68, 65, 77!
FAR - 56, 55, 64, 55, 69, 75!!
BEC - 60, 50, 70, 75!!!
REG - 67, 63, 66, 86!!!!
Used Becker, Yaeger, Wiley textbook, Wiley testbank, NINJA Notes, NINJA Blitz, & NINJA Audio.