Laminating CPA license

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  • #178965

    Anyone know if we are allowed to laminate the wallet CPA license?

    Mine is from California and the funny thing is my wall certificate was pretty wrinkled when it got to me. Was pretty sad about that.

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  • #427269

    My wall certificate from the CBA is also wrinkled. I got it nicely framed but you can still see the wrinkles if you look.

    Sure, you can laminate the wallet license. Why not?

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California


    I don't know about California but I took my Delaware wallet license to Staples and they refused to laminate it. The person behind the counter said that they were not permitted to laminate professional licenses. Since I could find no prohibition against laminating the wallet license on Delaware's web site or on the document, I ended up laminating it myself.

    REG - 11/5/2012 - 80
    BEC - 1/17/2013 - 76
    AUD - 2/22/2013 - 70 4/5/2013 - 75
    FAR - 5/28/2013 - 75 - Done!!!

    Question: What do you call someone who only gets 75's and 76's on the four parts of the CPA exam?

    Answer: A CPA


    Does it have an embossed seal on it? If so, you shouldn't laminate it.

    NY CPA

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