How I passed the CPA Exam — w/ 4 kids and a full time job

  • Creator
  • #188671

    Hi, all — it has been quite a while since I’ve posted here, but I can’t express enough how much this forum helped me when I was studying for the exam.

    I wanted to try and give back and share my tips as well — so if you’re interested, please take a look at a post I wrote for my husband’s blog. I passed all four parts on the first try, and this is a really detailed post on how I did it. Hopefully, some of the tips will work for you too.

    How to Pass the CPA Exam On the First Try

    Best of luck to everyone!


    FAR -- 90
    AUD -- 95
    BEC -- 82
    REG -- 92


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  • Author
  • #602077

    This is SO great. I wish there had been a post like this when I attempted my first exam, which I failed 🙂 I learned the hard way how to study…haahaa. I SO agree with the no-housework and turning off social media…it's tough, but you need every minute you can spare for studying.

    AUD: 84 - Oct. 2013
    BEC: 83 - Feb. 2014
    REG: 91 - May, 2014
    FAR: 68, 96 - Oct. 2014...DONE

    CPAExcel, Ninja Audio (all sections)


    Considering we're on a dedicated forum for the CPA, why not actually post the contents here instead of advertising an outside blog..


    I have actually found a massive amount of support from social media (my FB friends). There is nothing like having 150+ people wish you luck on exam day or congratulating you when you pass. Last night I posted that I was having a hard time getting through Estate and Gift Taxes and within 5 minutes I had friends cheering me on telling me I could do it. So I think with social media, its all in how you use it. I don't have time to comment on all the pictures, like everyone's status, or wish everyone happy birthday, but it does give me a way to keep up with people since I'm stuck at home studying and it gives my friends a way to keep up with me and my progress. Just my thoughts.

    AUD - 99
    BEC - 97
    REG - 91
    FAR - 1/8/16


    So how you managed to have each of your 4 kids take an section for you at Prometric since they do Id checks at Prometric? JK 🙂

    Congratulations on passing the exams!


    Kim has been a longtime forum member and she gave me a heads-up on her blog post as a courtesy before she posted it, so I had no problem linking to her blog.

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