Has anyone ever passed the CPA and not been eligible to get their license??

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  • #192705

    Has anyone ever passed the CPA and not been eligible to get their license? I applied for my first NTS in 2009. I didn’t get serious out the CPA until 2014. I just pass the last section. I’m scared they have changed eligibility rules or something that would prevent me from actually getting my license.

    B 74, 79
    A 62, 81
    R 76
    F 75


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  • #657055

    It's actually more common than you think. Most of the time it happens when candidates move and transfer their scores to another state only to find out they need to take more ethics or business law credits in that state. Another cause could be the state board rejecting your experience as qualifying for the license.


    Ditto what mw said. There are at least a handful of folks on here that passed the exams knowing they still had education and/or experience requirements to meet. Not a huge deal unless it's something you're not expecting….


    i could potentially be ineligble due to lacking credits that won't get approved bc they're foreign. sure i'd be pissed, but the cool thing about the application and process is you can re-apply lol. yea it'd suck to take more classes but it's doable, and many online courses from community colleges are super easy. i'd be pissed but it's different than say, you not being able to pass a section you've taken 10xs.


    I have checked several times along the way to make sure I wasn't missing anything. The State Board people pretty much know me because I called them on a number of occasions asking questions. The point is, when in doubt, call and ask.

    If it turns out you need to take an extra class or two, then go for it. Taking an extra class or two to get your license after you've passed the exams should feel more like a cake walk!

    Ninja Combo, Yaeger, Wiley -- Licensed CPA, May 2015

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