Grade reactions

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    For those who are now done, do you remember what your reaction to each passing grade was? I certainly do.

    Passed Audit– of course audit was last to be released and I actually fell asleep on my bed after a LONG day of waiting. The wife and kids were upstairs, waiting for the news. I came out and casually said “I did it, I passed”. Too far to go to get too excited, but I was pleased.

    Passed BEC– I was sitting at work at my desk. I had to constrain my reaction (you know professional environment and all). I smilingly told a few corworkers.

    Failed REG– REG was last to be released and was released middle of the night. I was exhausted and had to go to work, so my wife checked for me in the middle of the night. I woke up, sat up on the side of the bed having actually forgot about the release overnight. The wife had big tears in her eyes when she told me. Got up and went to work.

    Passed REG– I had just landed in LAX after a blackout on the flight cross country. As soon as they said that I could use electronics I checked it while others fought to get their luggage out of the overheads. I didn’t even have to tell my boss, he could see it on my face. Definitely the happiest person on the plane.

    Passed FAR– I was, once again at my desk working on close….DEC 7th. I was worried significantly about FAR but after 600 times of pressing F5 I saw that grade. All was quiet in the office, I mean dead church mouse quiet. I had planned a solemn update to friends either way. Well when that 79 popped up on the screen all sense of constraint left me. I let out a VERY loud single clap, threw both arms in the air and yelled “I’M DONE, YEEEEAH”. I nearly scared a couple coworkers to death and then I took my victory lap around the floor like a NASCAR winner. Hey I earned it. I called my wife and she burst into tears of happiness.

    I can say that I really do not miss score release days, I kind of do. You will too once you get your last one, so now all I can do is live vicariously through those on this board.

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  • #569585

    I always get so nervous checking the scores!. When I first passed BEC, I was at home and the house was quiet. My dog was just lying in the floor and my fiancé was in the back of the house. I did exactly what you did in the quiet office: let out a loud clap and put my arms up and yelled I PASSED! haha. When I passed FAR I wanted to cry I was so happy because I was so unsure because it was so much material. When I passed AUD I just walked around the rest of the day smiling and then took a nap about an hour later because I was so mentally exhausted. I can't wait to see how I'll feel when I pass REG and I can say that I'm finished. Congratulations on being done!!!

    BEC - 87!
    FAR - 83!
    AUD - 80!
    REG - 76!

    I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD!!!!!!

    *Used Becker to study and the NINJA forums for moral support!*

    "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1


    LOL When I checked my score for FAR, 100% expecting to fail (I'm usually dead on with my assessments) and saw an 86, the highest score I've gotten on a section, I dropped my phone and screamed HOLY F$&@! Haha, so inappropriate but I was absolutely shocked. Thankfully I was in my car…and driving back to work and somehow managed not to rear end the car in front of me.

    Study Monk

    FAR was my first exam and I felt like I over studied for it, so when I passed it with a 77 I was happy but also disappointing by my score with a slight nervousness about my chances of passing the rest of my exams on my first try. I again “over studied” for audit and was really happy to receive a 91 and had a kind of cocky happiness. I was almost certain I failed REG on May 30th and found out that I passed and I felt like I found a bag full of money. There is no better feeling than thinking you failed an exam and end up passing it. BEC is my only exam pending with over a year to complete it….. 🙂

    I spoke to an ancient wise man who sent me on a mushroom induced journey through an ancient forest to find the key to passing the CPA exam. A talking spider monkey told me to throw the last of my drinking water in the dirt to find what I was looking for. So I followed his instructions and the following message appeared in the soil:

    "Do 5000 multiple choice questions for each section"


    I remember them all…

    AUD – my first exam – was sure I scored “like 90 or higher!”. Got a 75, was stunned and immediately broken in. It was at this juncture that I knew sh1t was real, and the rest wasn't going to be handed to me. This was like AICPA's warning shot across the bow.

    BEC – second exam – I knew I did OK on this but wasn't sure

    REG – third exam – still, to this day, I have no idea how on earth I passed this! No idea. I said thank you put my head down and moved on

    FAR – I studied so much for far – but still bumped up against my limitations of fin accounting and the “entire web” of J/E's… this one was a nail biter! SIMS were on exactly those topics which I hoped I'd avoid. nail biter for sure.

    AUD – last exam – was surprised to see an eighty eight. All I knew is that I studied INFINITELY more than I did the first time around, and understood just so much more.

    AUD - 75*, 88 done 5/14! (*exp)
    BEC - 74 , 77
    REG - 65 , 76 (10 point combooo!!)
    FAR - 69 , 75

    Dr: perseverance
    Dr: intelligence
    Dr: luck
    . Cr: . advisory score



    When I passed REG, I was really excited. I was very happy to have started off my 2nd attempt at this journey with a good start. It made me feel like I might actually be able to do this.

    Then with my first FAR attempt, it took every ounce of self control not to cry at work when I got my 74. I'm not usually an emotional person, but I had studied so hard and ended up with the worst score possible (IMO). Soul crushing. Thankfully the people I worked with at the time were extremely supportive (since we all had to go through the CPA process), one coworker in particular, and I managed to keep it together.

    When I got my FAR re-take score, I slammed my fists on my desk, yelled “YES”, and basically jumped out of my chair. This pass got my biggest reaction. Yes, I was only half-way done, but after failing the first time it felt amazing to beat the beast that is FAR.

    When I passed AUD, I had the same reaction as REG. Really excited I passed, but nothing like when I passed my FAR re-take. It doesn't help that I got this score about a week before our audit signed-off so there was almost no time to celebrate.

    Passing BEC left me with a feeling of pure euphoria. I wasn't very confident waiting for my score. I had no idea how I had done, but I was leaning more towards thinking I didn't do very well. It sucked because most of my audit team was at other clients or at training the day I got my final score, so there weren't many people on site to share the excitement with, but I just remember I couldn't believe I was done.

    Plus, I had been told in July 2012 that if I had my license by July 1, 2013, I was getting promoted to manager. So finding out I had passed my last exam also told me I was getting promoted. It was an awesome day.

    I'm just so happy to have this behind me. It's been more than a year since I received my last passing score, and some days I still can't believe I'm a CPA.


    I now have a superstition that I must have a flu (stomach or cold) of some kind when I take a part of the exam and I must then I have someone else check my score for me.. this seems to be the key to passing. lol




    FAR – “WOOOOO! Now I'll stop having all these exam failure dreams!” (excitement level: 9/10)

    AUD – “Nice.” (excitement level: 3/10)

    FAR: May 1st, 2014 - 91
    AUD: May 29th, 2014 - 97!
    BEC: July 16th, 2014 - 91
    REG: August 29th, 2014 - 88

    Licensed December 2015

    Feel free to add me on LinkedIn by clicking my username!


    Both of my passes led to ballet leaps down the hall in my office…oops. Luckily both score releases were Friday afternoons, so the office was fairly empty…. 🙂


    The first few exams I had taken, I had Failed AUD twice so I was at my lowest point. Part of me was wondering why I am not passing even though I am studying, putting in the hours etc.

    I decided to switch to BEC, I enjoyed this for some odd reason, I really studied and even pulled out my old material to help broaden my knowledge than what the CPA review had. When I was checking my results I was like I am sure to see another fail. At first when I saw my score I was like yep failed .. stupid exam… then I started thinking… isn't 77 great than 75. A huge sigh of relief.

    Next back at AUD and this time I studied like BEC – I did more than what was on the review course. When I checked for my score I was alone waiting. It was 6 am in the morning – I finally passed with my highest score – 89. I felt so happy to say Half way there. I was smiling all day long like a chimpanzee.

    Next REG – Uggghh I wanted to murder this exam. I found it interesting to learn but ekkkk I hated the SIM's it felt like every time I saw a REG SIM my stupid button came on. On my 3rd Attempt I passed — how I passed only CPA gods knows. 76! I had my hands over my mouth in shock…. 3 Down one to go…

    Last FAR… so many said I was daft to leave this last. But in my head I knew REG was the one I would have the hardest time with since Tax isn't my thing. Does not come naturally to me. FAR on the other hand is full of JE's and concepts I do at work on daily basis. I picked up the material really fast except for Govt Accting. I think I studied like a man woman on this. More than the other exams. I left no chapter under studied except Govt Accting (It just wouldn't sink in as well as I wanted it too) _ Score day…. I stayed up for most of the night .. worrying and pondering… I don't know how many times I checked for my score..When I saw that 83… it took a few sec to sink in.. I then refreshed my page like 3 times. Even signed in and out just to make sure its really there.

    Ran upstairs and pounced on my husband who was fast asleep. Poor guy jumped thinking there was a thief in the house LOL. Did my happy happy dance !


    FAR – I might have teared a little, but then I went to a party

    BEC – I found out right at the start of the work day, so it was hard to concentrate after.

    REG – Shocked that I jumped 20 points from a fail

    AUD – Not as excited as I thought I would be, but still pretty happy. I was just about to see my wife, so my plan was to keep it a secret until I could subtily tell her I passsed. She found out when we were out to eat lunch and I said to the cashier, “Geez, I just passed the CPA exam, the least she could do is pay for me.”

    F - 79 5/31/13
    R - 68 07/12/13 Retake 88! 10/18/13
    B - 78 08/31/13
    A - 64 01/03/14 Retake 75! 5/23/14 I would rather have a 75 than a 99 any day!


    ” I think I studied like a man woman on this.” I think I need to try this, maybe it's been what has held me back.

    REG – I was so pumped at my pass, did a victory lap around the office.

    FAR (fail) – no memory, was obviously disapointed

    AUD (fail)- December, went into a nasty depression for a couple weeks.

    AUD (pass)- disappoinment in a 75, thought I had done better.

    FAR (fail)- actually laughed out loud at my 74, just my luck…didn't bother me too much.

    BEC (today/ pass)- Jumped out of my chair, made a ton of gun and explosion noises and ran around the office. We have a new guy today and frankly, he looked confused… NO REGRETS!!!

    FAR is gonna die in July/August!

    REG- (1) 76
    FAR- (2) 64, (5)74, (7)83 (Over achiever!)
    AUD- (3) 70, (4) 75
    BEC- (6) 75


    REG-Failed Checked my score at work, cried hysterically went home.

    AUD-Passed, jumped for Joy.

    REG-Passed, told everyone I finally conquered the beast.

    BEC-Failed, was upset I got at 70 but held it together.

    Florida Candidate

    AUD: 77
    REG: 86
    FAR: TBD
    BEC: 79 (Expired)


    All three of my score releases were on Fridays at work. My first was far and I thought I was going to puke I was so nervous. I was 100% sure I failed. When I saw my passing score I freaked. I remember calling my parents and when I told them they got all choked up and I loved it. I just thought “nobody but my parents and my husband have any idea how hard the last few months have been. Nobody else knows how many times I tried to quit (before even sitting once) and how many tears I cried!!” Everyone else said “well yeah, we knew you'd pass”.” Nobody else could possibly understand , so hearing them choke up meant SO much to me.

    The other two were just really really happy days at work 🙂 followed by sushi as a reward 🙂


    I'm super nerdy excited about passing. Probably bugs everyone to pieces!!!

    AUD 84 (1/9/14-Wiley books/TB + free materials)
    FAR 83 (5/21/14-the above + NINJA 10 Pt Combo Lite)
    REG 84 (7/9/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC/Notes)
    BEC 76 (10/5/14-Wiley books/TB + NINJA Audio/FC)

    Disclaimer: My ninja avatar is not meant to imply that I have any affiliation with this site other than being a forum member. That's a pic of a T-shirt that my daughter gave me for my birthday. 🙂


    After failing my first 2 exams back to back I decided that I needed a little more luck when checking my score. I started working for my firm while I waited for my FAR score and waited until I got home to check my score. I walked through the door, saw my fiancé sitting on the couch, grabbed my laptop, placed it on the coffee table and began typing all of the information into the online score retrieval portal. My fiancé asks “can I hit the score button for you?” She hits the score button and I get a 75 for FAR as my first passed test! I jumped up and down screaming in my apartment that this test is possible and I am going to pass them all. For my AUD retake and for BEC I did the same ritual…. Let's hope it works one last time for REG!

    FAR 66 (07/01/13), 75! (10/01/13)
    AUD 64 (08/12/13), 80! (11/23/13)
    BEC 84! (05/22/14)
    REG 77! (08/28/14)
    "Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again"

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