Frustrated with IL

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  • #187279

    I mailed in my application to be licensed on July 10th. My check has still not cleared so I called up ILDPR to see whether they had received my application. They said that don’t know because the unit that is supposed to be working on my application has a backlog up to May 13th and that I should check again in 3 weeks.

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  • #589667

    That is ridiculous.. You spend more time waiting for then than the combined time of waiting for your scores to be released. I am Illinois too so it is a matter of time before I have to deal with that.


    I feel your pain! My application hit the mail on May 29 and my check cleared about three weeks later. I started calling once a week in mid July and every time they tell me something different. Frankly I think they just make stuff up. One guy told me the hold up was waiting for my payment to be received. My PAYMENT was in the envelope with the APPLICATION moron.

    And last Thursday one of my neighbors knocked on my door with a piece of mail from IDFPR that was propped up on top of the common mailboxes addressed to me at unit 408. There is no unit four oh ANYTHING–this is a two story building, units are 10something and 20something. Period. I got the “deficiency” noted in the letter fixed (something had to be sent from ILBOA that I had NO FRICKIN”‘ IDEA ABOUT UNTIL THAT POINT) and I tried to get my unit number changed in that phone call too. No can do baby! I have to send a letter. What a crock of sh!t. I am beyond frustrated with this whole process.

    PSA: There is a button on the ILBOA site where you get proof of your certificate sent to IDFPR. If you don't know about this already you should call ILBOA and have them do it. I had no clue and don't recall reading about that ANYWHERE. If you know about this already, great, but if not let me know and I'll walk you through the site.

    So sorry — didn't mean to make this about me, and I apologize.

    Wishing you a smoother and easier process than I seem to be going through…

    ETA: Can you tell I'm a little *pissy* at this point, LOL!


    Thanks @DJN. I think my cretificate was sent to IDFPR because when I called, they had my information on file. They just didn't have my application yet. They said it was probably in the mail room. I'm just concerned that my application might have gotten lost in the mail and I wouldn't know for another 3 weeks.


    Ntw, my license number posted online today so there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Taking that extra week out of the equation for my missing certificate info it took about 7 weeks from the time I mailed my ap to the time my license number posted (and of course I don't have the actual paper yet).


    Do you happen to recall if you needed to complete Part V of the application? It is the section entitled Record of Examination and it requests info if you have ever taken a licensure examination in Illinois or any other state for this profession then you must complete info about each exam attempt.

    I was unsure if I needed to include the 4 exam parts that I passed and the dates I passed or if I am to leave this section blank with it possibly only to be completed if you had previously tested.

    Thanks for any help.


    Leglock, yes, I completed part V. I listed the four parts of the exam, state (IL), month/year I took each part, and results (passed).


    Thanks DJN. You have been very helpful. Hopefully I won't have any more questions on what should be the easiest part of the process.


    Yes, you do need to fill in that section.

    Just to give everyone an update, they cashed my check a few weeks ago and said I should be hearing in the middle of September.


    Thank you also to NTW


    Leglock, there is NOTHING easy about this process! I would *almost* rather have taken one of the parts of the exam again rather than have to deal with IDFPR's application!

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