For those who do NOT think they can do it

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  • #173901

    First, I want to let all the doubters know this test is NOT impossible, but it is hard. Little background about myself:

    – I played sports instead of taking my studies seriously through college

    – I am 25 years old

    – I made a 990 on my SAT in 2005 (out of 1600)

    – I graduated with my undergrad from a small state university (3.14 GPA) that did not even have a MACC program (extra hours to get to 150)

    I bought CPAExcel January ’12 and started studying. I failed BEC twice, and AUD once before finally getting a passing score this morning.

    I still have a very long way to go and my journey is just beginning but I wanted to post a thread to tell everyone who is doubting themselves that the only thing between passing these tests and not is yourself. Figure out a study plan for the section you are starting and START studying (hardest part). Do not worry about other sections…take it one section at a time and do not get ahead of yourself.

    Congrats to all who passed this past window! For those who have not passed a section yet or are just starting, you can do it!

    Happy studies!

    AUD 73 (Aug 12) 77
    BEC 66 71 (Nov 12) 80
    REG 54 81 (May 13) 81
    FAR 63 (Dec 13) 75 TEXAS

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  • #370748

    Thanks! I needed that.




    Jeff – HiYa is right….you da man!

    AUD 73 (Aug 12) 77
    BEC 66 71 (Nov 12) 80
    REG 54 81 (May 13) 81
    FAR 63 (Dec 13) 75 TEXAS


    Thanks for that post mate! It is inspiring! I too am working towards my first ever one and while I have to field a bunch of other responsibilities and squeeze in this studying – all I can say is that I am ready to go ahead and even fail at this but I will attempt and if I fail, it is a learning experience. Your experience here has been very helpful to this candidate!


    I have the same background as you- state school and SAT. I was a marketing major and got an accounting certificate 10 years later. I'm also 3/4 way through an MST that was 3.75 GPA until my last class. I hardly studied for REG and got a 78. The rest are killing me, except FAR seems like it is a close incestuous cousin of REG.


    @earob – If you have not tried the sims package, I highly recommend it. It is only $10 but was essential as part of my final review for AUD.

    Best of luck to you all!!!

    AUD 73 (Aug 12) 77
    BEC 66 71 (Nov 12) 80
    REG 54 81 (May 13) 81
    FAR 63 (Dec 13) 75 TEXAS

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