- This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 8 years, 1 month ago by .
I’ve never posted on this site, but now I want to give my story so hopefully this will help someone who is struggling to pass a section. I know I liked reading when someone was going through a hard time and they overcame it. It showed me that if they can do it, then I can too!
I started a new job in November 2013. I was 8 weeks pregnant. When I was interviewing, my new boss said he really would like for me to study for my CPA. I’ve always wanted to get it so I said of course! I made this study calendar and planned on passing 2 sections before I gave birth. Well, I found out I was pregnant with TWINS!!!! Yay!
I started studying immediately and decided on FAR first. I scheduled my exam for January. Well, a snow storm came the day of my test and everything closed. To top it off, we had booked to fly to Puerto Rico the next day for a getaway. So, there I was, studying while on the beach on vacation. I took the exam mid-February. Got my score in March… I made a 72. I was more surprised that I did that good! I thought I had made in the 50s. I started studying again and scheduled my next one in April. Took that one and got my score in May… 73. I was so mad. By then I was about 30 weeks pregnant and wanted to give up. I wasn’t enjoying my pregnancy because all I was doing was stressing and studying. I put the tests on hold. I had the twins the end of May.
In June I decided to start studying again. I was ready to pass FAR before I came back from maternity leave. I scheduled my test for July. I would study when the babies slept 🙂 I was CRAZY!!! I took the test and got my score in August right before I went back to work… 74. I just broke down crying. I had been spending SO much time studying and had nothing to show for it. I picked myself up and started back to work. For some reason I was still determined. I started studying right away after work and during lunch breaks. I told myself this was the last chance. I couldn’t keep doing this to myself and my babies.
I scheduled my test for Oct 1. I was shaking so bad that day. I kept telling myself this was it, but I knew deep down that I would continue to torture myself if I didn’t pass. I added Ninja Notes to the mix. I went in that day and just gave it everything I had. I made a 79!!!!! I was thrilled!!! However, I knew that I had 3 more to go now. This seriously had to happen so I HAD to pass the other 3 since I put this much effort into FAR.
I scheduled BEC for January. I bought Ninja Notes and MCQ right away. I passed it with a 75. I was really surprised at how bad I did, but I figured I was exhausted from FAR still (and 2 sleepless babies!).
I then thought about taking a break. I had been studying my whole pregnancy and now for 9 months of my sweet twin girls’ life. I felt guilty… A LOT! I worked full-time then studied a little after work before going to get them, then studying once my husband got home. I was rough. I questioned myself a lot on what I was giving up.
I chose to hurry up and finish. I couldn’t take a break knowing that I still had 2 more to pass. I would never fully enjoy the time. So, I scheduled AUD for April. Bought Ninja again. Passed it with a 89. Whoop whoop!!!
I scheduled REG for end of July. This exam I feared more than FAR. I HATE HATE HATE tax. I knew I would have to devote a bunch of time to it. I gave myself off 2 weeks in May for my girls 1st birthday. Then, right back to it in June. I studied all the time. Every single second I had I was looking at the notes and drilling MCQ while sitting in the playroom with my babies. I took the test and thought for sure I was going to be taking it again. I even looked up dates in October to schedule it. Got my score on August 25… I made a 75!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My journey was DONE!!!!!
I passed the CPA with twin newborns!!!!!!!! If I can do it… Anyone can!
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