Done with the CPA. Here was my study method - Page 2

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  • #200680

    Beckers + Ninja MCQ

    1. Watched becker video and highlighted/wrote down material.

    2. Rewrote everything I highlighted.

    3. Did HW Q’s then moved onto next chapter.

    4. Rinse & Repeat

    5. Once done with becker Q’s I then attacked Ninja MCQ’s.

    I passed all but FAR (73) on my first try. This was when I was reading the book before videos and I wasn’t including Ninja MCQ’s in it. Notice I stopped reading the book. I found that to be a waste of time for me sine I wasn’t grasping the material.

    I was working FT during all tests so it can be done. I also moved across the country and I am married. You just have to make the time for it.

    Make sure you make a plan for timing. I passed all within 12 mos but I see so often on here where people are in a do or die situation.

    BEC - 77, 03/2015 (first try)
    FAR - 79, 05/2015 (second try)
    REG - 83, 12/2015 (first try)
    AUD - 84, 03/2015 (first try)

    I got 99 problems but the CPA ain't one.

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  • Author
  • #761746

    congratulation!!! and thanks for the study tips!


    Totally agree with euroaddict. I would even say don't even do multiple choice questions. Focus in the material and re-writing your own notes. The only MCQ's that matter are on test day. If you don't know the concepts you will never get the questions right. For. My last three test in a 3 month window i read the whole becker book and took my own notes/Flashcards.

    Keep pushing. You may feel like you want to quit, but dont't. Look at all my attempts!!! If i can do it anyone can.

    Congrats to thise who oassed and keep pushing to those who are still on the journey.

    AUD - 49, 66, 72, 77!!
    FAR - 72, 73, 78
    BEC - 70, 74, 79, I'm DONE!!!!!!
    REG - 70, 76!!!! FIRST PASS

    Don’t faint in the day of adversity. Remember your ABCs—Adversity Builds Character!!! - Andy Andrews


    Congrats & Thanks EuroAdict! Gonna change my study method up a bit and hope for a difference in scores.

    Have To Pass Something!!!

    FAR 51 and 53
    REG 61
    AUD 58

    FAR 51, 53
    REG 61
    AUD 58
    BEC 62

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