Working Experience Question

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  • #2495262

    I live in CA, and I had my supervisor and the director signed off my working experience. I passed all exams as well. However, I miss some educational credits and have to take additional classes.
    Can I submit the working experience without applying the license?

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  • #2495334

    I actually called the Board exactly for that, they said your employer can submit the experience verification form and if you do not have a licensure application yet, they will file it under your name and pull it out when you submit one.


    Is the working experience have to be on the employer submission? I thought I just need to get the signatures and mail the form in.
    Do you have to use a difference form for the employer submission?


    Work experience verification must be submitted by the employer. You should be able to find the requirements in the handbook.

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    Please delete or ignore my message, I accidentally posted to the wrong thread.

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    F=80 I don't wanna get banned for an expletive I'm thinking with "yea" proceeding it


    Thanks guys for getting back to my question so quick.
    I checked the CBA licensing handbook again, and it didn't really clearly said who should submit the working experience, not sure if I miss anything.
    I talked to some external auditors(Big 4) about the process. They said they have a department for that. The company that I work now does not have something like that.
    I plan to call them and hope that they can give me a clear procedure that I can forward to my HR department.


    If you check out the actual form it states on the top that it should be completed and mailed directly to the Board by the employer.


    On second thought this might only be required for the attest license and not the general one. Better to just call the CBA and confirm.


    This is the form that I am using. It said “This form is to be completed and Mailed directly to the CBA”

    I think I should clarify that I am not applying for Attest.

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