Work Experience without a CPA boss - Page 2

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  • #158088

    I am considering a position at a private company and am in the process of testing for my CPA. This private company has no CPA’s that work for it. I called my state office and they said that an option might be to have a CPA from the outside approve some of my work at the private company so I could use it for work experience. There is also the option of taking another part-time job to gain necessary experience, although that would take a much longer times to accumulate 2,000 hours and be difficult to do it in three years.


    I don’t want to have passed all these tests but be limited by not having a CPA around me to get my license. Has anyone else been in this situation or have any advice on the matter? Thanks for the help.n


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  • #233679

    Jeff – are you able to shed any light on this topic, or do you have any contacts at NASBA that might be able to?


    I am interested in Georgia specifically.




    M Glovern


    FAR 67, 73, 71, 76; AUD 61, 85; BEC 70, 77; REG 75



    FYI – I contacted the Georgia State Board of Accountancy and they referred me to NASBA.n


    FAR 67, 73, 71, 76; AUD 61, 85; BEC 70, 77; REG 75



    Ok, I talked to the MO state board of accountancy today… very helpful. The lady I spoke with said that I don't need to work with a CPA to have someone write off my experience. She said that if I know a CPA I can ask them to review some of my work (with a private company) and verify that I have worked the hours and performed the accounting work. I told her that I am still very close with the Accounting Chair at my old university and I asked if I could have him look over some of my work and verify my experience. She said that would work. She said she has also had applicants use an organization they personally belong to, she mentioned a commerce group an applicant was in, and have a CPA there review you work and sign off. I am contacting my professor to see if he will review my work for me.


    I suggest you call your state board. “Millerg” mentioned that their board referred them to NASBA… mine did not and has answered all of my questions as she personally deals with approving applications. I have called them three times in the last couple of weeks and they have always been helpful. All boards are different, but the best thing is to run some ideas by you own board when you call them.n



    I am considering a position at a private company and am in the process of testing for my CPA. This private company has no CPA's that work for it. I called my state office and they said that an option might be to have a CPA from the outside approve some of my work at the private company so I could use it for work experience. There is also the option of taking another part-time job to gain necessary experience, although that would take a much longer times to accumulate 2,000 hours and be difficult to do it in three years.

    I don't want to have passed all these tests but be limited by not having a CPA around me to get my license. Has anyone else been in this situation or have any advice on the matter? Thanks for the help.


    take the position now, and keep you eye out for other opportunities, and when they arise go for it. I wouldn't skip out on this job just because you can't get the experience from it.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    Hi! I am in the same boat. I am confused too as to what to do. If an outside CPA does not sign off, I might have to look for another job. I used to work under a CPA, but that was about 7 years ago. The experience has to be within 3 years of passing the exam. Tough situation. First exams, then the experience – its just too much.

    Good Luck drive_is_my_asset!



    drive_is_my_asset –

    I am intrigued with the state board's response. That totally changes the game on my job outlook (pending approval from my state board). I had no idea that an “outside CPA” could sign-off on private accounting work in order to meet the CPA license experience requirement.

    ….Using our auditing knowledge….

    Hire a CPA firm to conduct an “agreed-upon procedures” engagement under Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE). You would be the 3rd party requesting the engagement (where the auditor examines your employer's documents) . You could work with the hired CPA to develop procedures that evaluate your work based on the state's legislative code that governs accounting licensure. Have the auditor come to your workplace for a day to perform his/her due diligence by meeting with your supervisors, talking with the accounting department, and observing/examining your physical work.

    1a. For an example of potential procedures, search this Oregon state legislative code for the term “Experience portfolio” @


    1b. For your specific case, drive-is-my-asset, the Missouri code would apply, however this code is less detailed than the Oregon statutes listed above. See CSR 2010-2.061 @ and detail at . Maybe you could utilize NASBA guidelines? Or a neighboring states code? Worst case, the engagement procedures could be adapted from the evaluation a foreign accountancy credential (which requires four years experience).

    To increase the persuasive power/quality of this agreed-upon procedures engagement, I might engage a reputable mid-large size regional firm. Preferably the firm would have a presence in that state capital so your accountancy board will have knowledge of their reputation/independence.

    Who knows… Its worth a shot. Easier than finding a new job in this economy!

    -Passed all four sections of CPA exam in 2010 using Becker.
    -Former Seasonal Audit Senior with Big Four accounting firm.
    -Plan to sit for Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS)


    financeguy- I currently have two job offers, have informed each company of both offers, and am trying to decide between private or public if that clarifies my situation.

    moon- I agree, it is difficult considering the exams are tough enough. It puts private accounting at a disadvantage but from what I have heard… the experience requirements are much easier in years and supervisors than they were in the past.

    hoosier- I think the company currently outsources some work and it is possible they use a CPA firm for taxes or F.S. prep at least. I will call the state rep and see what she says about a CPA firm performing those engagements. This would require that a CPA at that firm sign off on my approval, which I don't know if they would or if any liability is associated with that.

    75 CPA

    Perhaps someone can comment on my situation. I am 64 years old and I am from Louisiana. I can assure you that no employer will give me the time of the day, but less a job at my age.

    Therefore, I will go to plan B. I will hang out my own shingle. I will do taxes and bookeeping. Additionally, I will become a Certified Financial Planner for all of those old baby boomers like myself. How do I get my work experience approved by a CPA in order to get a CPA license?


    75 CPA

    Is there a small CPA firm in your area? My brother is a partner is a small law dirm. There are several lawyers in the group. They share office space, machines, etc. each brings in their own clients and gets paid for their services. Perhaps if you found a small firm to share space with and a CPA could review your work and sign-off? Or, find someone willing to sign-off on your work?


    So to clarify, you can have an outside CPA certify your work?

    Will it still be required for only 1 year (Georgia)?

    FAR 67, 73, 71, 76; AUD 61, 85; BEC 70, 77; REG 75



    Hoosier….I love how you think!

    Drive…definitely post if hoosier's idea is a go!!

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95



    I'm wondering if I could use my 15 months of work experience, which was in a State governmental agency with a CPA for a supervisor? I haven't had much luck googling this topic. Anyone out there know, or in the same boat?


    Well I just found something on the web about requirements for ‘experience by working in government' in CO in case anyone is interested.


    Well, I emailed the MD state board and the response was – “You must have a current actively licensed CPA endorse your experience.”

    Now does that mean the CPA has to be your supervisor, or can an outside independent CPA verify your duties and hours?

    Any input would be appreciated.


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