Why does Florida take so long to send application packet?

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  • #158886

    I passed my last section of the exam back in August 2010. I was expecting to receive my licensure application packet from the FL board some time this week. Since I hadn’t received it yet, I called them and they told me it is going to take an additional 3 months! I have been waiting almost 2 months and they tack on another 3 months? What’s up with that? Don’t see how it can take 5 months to mail out a piece of paper.


    Is there anyway around this?n


    FAR 90, AUD 89, BEC 87, REG 94

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  • Author
  • #255258

    I feel your pain. I passed my final section on August 23rd (didnt get my score until Sept. 21st)…and here it is Oct. 18th and still nothing. I called the DBPR and spoke with a call center rep who told me that the Board of Accountancy usually takes 2-3 weeks from the date THEY receive your final passing score to mail out the license packet. So according to NASBA, they don't release the scores to the individual states until ALL TESTING WINDOW SCORES have been received from the AICPA. So for us, the final scores for the August window were sent sometime around Sept 28th or so, according to Jeff. So, if you give them the rest of that week to mail the scores out to the states, assume FL got the scores sometime around the end of Sept or the beginning of Oct. So assuming that, give the Board about 3 weeks to process and mail out. That would put our packets arriving sometime around the end of this week (Oct 22nd) or beginning of next week (Oct. 25).n


    REG 94, BEC 75, AUD 84, FAR 82!!!!!!!!!


    UPDATE**** I received a reply email from the DBPR at Florida this morning, telling me that eligable candidates who have passed the CPA exam will receive a license package within 6-8 weeks of passing. So looks like we're in for a long wait.n


    REG 94, BEC 75, AUD 84, FAR 82!!!!!!!!!


    because Florida sucks lol. Sorry I'm a little frustrated with our state board too.n


    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Turns out the lady at the DBPR was misinformed. I actually got my packet last week, after nearly a 2 month wait. This work experience certification form is annoying if you have multiple employers that add up to your 1 year. There is no box to check for employment of less than one year.n


    FAR 90, AUD 89, BEC 87, REG 94


    Florida State Board took Four (4) Months to approve my application to sit for the CPA exam in the first place, it then took about 6 weeks from the time I was mailed my last passing score til I got my application package, and it has now been three weeks since they received my license application and cashed my check. I have a feeling it could still be a while longer before I get any word from them.n



    Jartonio–when did u sit for your last part and when did you get your score??n


    REG 94, BEC 75, AUD 84, FAR 82!!!!!!!!!


    I feel your pain. I passed my final section on August 23rd (didnt get my score until Sept. 21st)…and here it is Oct. 18th and still nothing. I called the DBPR and spoke with a call center rep who told me that the Board of Accountancy usually takes 2-3 weeks from the date THEY receive your final passing score to mail out the license packet. So according to NASBA, they don't release the scores to the individual states until ALL TESTING WINDOW SCORES have been received from the AICPA. So for us, the final scores for the August window were sent sometime around Sept 28th or so, according to Jeff. So, if you give them the rest of that week to mail the scores out to the states, assume FL got the scores sometime around the end of Sept or the beginning of Oct. So assuming that, give the Board about 3 weeks to process and mail out. That would put our packets arriving sometime around the end of this week (Oct 22nd) or beginning of next week (Oct. 25).

    REG 94, BEC 75, AUD 84, FAR 82!!!!!!!!!


    UPDATE**** I received a reply email from the DBPR at Florida this morning, telling me that eligable candidates who have passed the CPA exam will receive a license package within 6-8 weeks of passing. So looks like we're in for a long wait.

    REG 94, BEC 75, AUD 84, FAR 82!!!!!!!!!


    because Florida sucks lol. Sorry I'm a little frustrated with our state board too.

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)


    Turns out the lady at the DBPR was misinformed. I actually got my packet last week, after nearly a 2 month wait. This work experience certification form is annoying if you have multiple employers that add up to your 1 year. There is no box to check for employment of less than one year.

    FAR 90, AUD 89, BEC 87, REG 94


    Florida State Board took Four (4) Months to approve my application to sit for the CPA exam in the first place, it then took about 6 weeks from the time I was mailed my last passing score til I got my application package, and it has now been three weeks since they received my license application and cashed my check. I have a feeling it could still be a while longer before I get any word from them.


    Jartonio–when did u sit for your last part and when did you get your score??

    REG 94, BEC 75, AUD 84, FAR 82!!!!!!!!!

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