Which CPA Exam section should I take first? - Page 2

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  • #157037

    Hello everyone, I’ve been procrastinating in taking the CPA exam although I was approved to sit for the exam. But now I have so much motivation of becoming a CPA. I find it very helpful in reading the posts on this site that’s why I would like to know your opinions on how do u think should I take the exam. I plan of taking it on 2-sittings, I just have to figure out which subjects to take first, should I do FAR and BEC first, and then AUD and REG later or FAR&REG, then BEC&AUD? Btw, I decided to use Yaeger, I am skeptic but I know that no matter what materials you use it will still all depend on how your study habits are. Thanks so much and appreciate it!

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  • #216818

    I like the idea of getting momentum going, so I decided to shy away from FAR and REG to begin my journey. Since I'm in the assurance department of my firm, I decided to gain as much experience as possible before taking AUD, which in turn would help me to end on what I had hoped would be an easier note.

    BEC –> FAR –> REG –> AUD

    BEC 8/27/2009 - 87 REG 11/9/2009 - 84
    FAR 10/5/2009 - 87 AUD 11/23/2009 - 85

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