Where do I apply to take next sections? Please help

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  • #157136

    I live in Michigan and I have already passed REG and BEC, but I applied for them with my first time application. I went to NASBA.org to try to sign up for FAR and tried to use the Re-exam registration, but they wanted to charge me $281. According to the fees tab it should only be $218. I don’t know if thats where I’m supposed to be or do I sign up somewhere else. I would appreciate a little help


    BEC 85 REG 94 FAR 95 AUD 80 "accountants do it with double entry"

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  • #216846

    why don't you call NASBA and apply for the NTS by phone? The number is 800-272-3926


    If you look at the re-examination fees, it lists the registration costs for exams after the initial registration. The cost is $65 for 1 exam and $80 for 2 exams. The $65 and $218 is $283, which is probably what they were charging you for.

    REG-95 BEC-93 FAR-90 AUD-99


    If I realized they were going to charge me that much to re-register I probably would've just signed up for all of them at once and got the discount. I was under the impression that my first time application fee would keep me registered for a year and a half or so. They don't include those fees anywhere on the initial application, and I think it's a bunch of BS.

    Thanks for your help guys, I'm all squared up now

    BEC 85 REG 94 FAR 95 AUD 80 "accountants do it with double entry"


    Atleast Michigan charges $65 for 1 exam and $80 for 2. NH charges re-examination fee $140 for 1, $155 for 2 and $170.00 for 3. On my original application i paid only for FAR section. Later when they told me that i had to pay extra to register for remaining sections, I was really pissed. They need to mention this re-examination fee on the original application, so candidates are aware of this.


    “If I realized they were going to charge me that much to re-register I probably would've just signed up for all of them at once and got the discount.”

    That's what I thought too. Remember, you have to take any parts you pay for within 6 months. I paid for all 4 exams at once, and overestimated the free time I would have and didn't take the first one until the beginning of the 4th month. Then I had 2.5 months for the next three. I passed only the first two I took, and crammed for the last two, so let's just say I would have saved money paying for them separately.


    On a side note, I love your username, itsaccrualworld. It's amazing and lame (not in a bad way, necessarily) at the same time.


    why do you say you have to take all parts you pay for within 6 months? Is that something specific to the state you are in?

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    What is it for you financeguy? For CO there is a 6 month limit for all exams on the same NTS. I have seen somewhere that not all states have the same limits. Some are 9 months and some are 90 days (yikes!).

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    I'm in CA and the NTS is good for 9 months…I had no idea it differed between the states

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    I just did a little more digging (though I probably should be doing REG MCQs!) and in CA you have to pay only $50 for your initial application. It's $150 for CO!

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    No, you have to pay $100 for your initial app and $50 for each app there after. I originally paid just for AUD (didn't know how it all worked) and it was $230. On my reap I paid for all 3 other parts combined and it cost me $592 total.

    AUD - 81, BEC - 74, 80, FAR - 82, REG - 81


    Oh yeah, sorry, got it turned around. The re-exam application starts at $65 for 1 exam in CO and goes to $110 for all 4 at once. The CPA exam (plus ethics and licensing) fees are unbelievable!

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker

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