When to expect Congratulations letter from AICPA?

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  • #158621

    I passed my last part in the first wave and I still didn’t get My “You have passed all parts of CPA exam letter” – should I worry? I got the one with my last passing score though. I need the letter because those CPA exam incentive bonuses get only paid in Octobers…n


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  • #239788

    Anna, First Congrat on passing!!!! I passed my last part at the end of Feb 10 and did not receive my letter until mid Apr 10. As far as I know the AICPA does not send out the letters they come from your state or NASBA. The NASBA letter I received for the Indiana Board of Accountancy was quite un-impressive and did not provide any signatures. I think in most cases NASBA states the letters go out 4-6 weeks after the test window closes which means you are not likely to get your letter until sometime in October or later. I would submit all four of your score reports to see if that would be acceptable. However, the hard part is over. You have passed. Again, Congratulations. Also, feel fortunate, not everyone gets a bonus for passing the exam.n



    Thank you so much Lee_IN – for the info and congratulations:-)))
    nWow – 4-6 weeks?? Yeah, I have to submit that last score report then. ASAP.


    Congratulations to you as well – on the exams and license!!! Well done:-Dn



    Anna, First Congrat on passing!!!! I passed my last part at the end of Feb 10 and did not receive my letter until mid Apr 10. As far as I know the AICPA does not send out the letters they come from your state or NASBA. The NASBA letter I received for the Indiana Board of Accountancy was quite un-impressive and did not provide any signatures. I think in most cases NASBA states the letters go out 4-6 weeks after the test window closes which means you are not likely to get your letter until sometime in October or later. I would submit all four of your score reports to see if that would be acceptable. However, the hard part is over. You have passed. Again, Congratulations. Also, feel fortunate, not everyone gets a bonus for passing the exam.


    Thank you so much Lee_IN – for the info and congratulations:-)))

    Wow – 4-6 weeks?? Yeah, I have to submit that last score report then. ASAP.

    Congratulations to you as well – on the exams and license!!! Well done:-D

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