Whats up with the Ethics Part?

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  • #157563

    So I’m halfway done passing this ridiculous test, and have read a few posts referencing an “Ethics” portion. I feel like through my university and Becker I have been fairly well informed on all aspects of the test in regards to applying, scheduling, sitting and passing. How could I have never heard of this ethics section before?

    Can anyone explain the following for me?

    1. What is it?

    2. Does it cost any more money?

    3. How do I schedule/sit for it?

    4. How do I study for it?

    AUD: 96 (August 2009) REG: 94 (April 2010)
    FAR: 89 (January 2010) BEC: -- (May 2010)

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  • Author
  • #227963

    same question from me…

    I've read that over 40 states require it and one site (not so sure it was creditable) said KY did. However when I go to the KY board website, I can't find any mention of the Ethics exam. Does anyone know if KY requires the ethics exam?

    Thanks in advance!


    1. Exam required by some states for certification.

    2. Yes, some state society's sell it at a discount. I called in and got a membership to the AICPA and the CD version of the exam and materials for around $130. Got this price b/c I ordered it before I knew my final score and they gave me the associate member price for membership and then 30%, I think, off the materials.

    3. No need to schedule it or sit for it. You order the materials and take it on your own time. It's really not difficult.

    4. You don't really need to “study” for it. I did the CD version so I went through the CD with the test open in PDF and marked the answers as they showed up.

    Check this out: https://www.cpa2biz.org/AST/Main/CPA2BIZ_Primary/Ethics/PRD~PC-732302/PC-732302.jsp?cm_sp=RHN-_-XSELL-_-CWPTPAB


    Thank you very much for your answer Wein! I figured that it wasn't that big of a deal since no one seems to fret about it quite like they do other parts of the test.

    AUD: 96 (August 2009) REG: 94 (April 2010)
    FAR: 89 (January 2010) BEC: -- (May 2010)


    I wasn't aware my state had an ethics requirement either until it mentioned it in my congratulatory letter. From what I've heard it's nothing to worry about as most people pass with a 95% or higher.


    I made a 95 first try on the online one you need after you pass

    but I had another one in addition to this one and they sent with my congrats packet errrrr

    so in total 4

    1.I have taken a college ethics class (required before you can test)

    2.ethics in the CPA exam

    3.online ethics class

    4.paper open test that came with my packet

    83 Reg, 76 BEC, 94 Aud, 79 Far

    Done ......!

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