What to take to Prometric Center

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  • #157199

    I would like to know EXACTLY what to take with me to the Testing Center on the day of my exam. I know I have to take 2 forms of ID. I am taking a driver’s license, as well as an identification card. What else should I take? Thank you.

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  • #217164

    Make sure the IDs are *signed*.

    Take your NTS…don't forget that or you can't take your exam.

    Other than that…don't take anything else in there with you other than caffeine if you want to (Mountain Dew bottle in a coat pocket that you chug during a break b/c you're sleepy.

    Here is an article I wrote:



    Two forms of gov't issued photo ID is best. I always bring a drivers license and a passport. If you don't have a passport, some other photo ID like your college/school ID, military ID, etc.

    FYI. Your NTS should tell you at the bottom what ID is acceptable.

    I also brought my notes last time to review while waiting to take the test.


    A driver's license and a signed credit card with your picture of yourself is fine too.



    CPA EXAM - Passed


    They didn't make me show my CPA ID this last test, just my drivers license.

    I take nothing with me. I leave my cell phone and such in the car. They make me leave my wallet in the locker. They also made me put my wedding ring in the locker since I kept fiddling with it during my first test, so I just leave that in the locker from the start now too. I wasn't making noise with it, but they are a nervous lot at the testing center. You'd think I was going to blow the building up with my ring or something.


    LOL Dale, maybe they thought you were receiving secret signals through your ring!

    At my center I was only asked to show my driver's license though I have heard that other centers are more strict and require you to show the 2 forms of ID. I always bring my passport too, just in case. I leave everything but my purse in the car since I can't take anything inside anyway. The purse stays in the locker at the center. Make sure to keep your ID with you during test because you'll need it to sign back in if you go out on a break.

    I've read in the rules that you're not even supposed to be allowed to remove a sweater during the test, if you're too hot, but before I knew about it, I did so and just let it drape over the back of my chair. Nobody had an issue with it, but somehow there is a rule against it too!!

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    By all means make sure your name on the NTS and IDs match. I am also required to turn my front and back pockets inside out. I take bare minimum with me into the testing center.


    Really Lee, they must be really laid back in my neck of the woods. When I took BEC, it was a Saturday and they had a bit of a backlog of candidates to check in because some people were taking a test in the morning where they had to speak and the attendant didn't want to put us in until those “loud” tests were finished. So she checked us all in, gave us our scratch papers and let us loose to wait in the waiting area. I could have written down all the formulas I knew in the time I waited, but I didn't. I was surprised but I guess she wanted us to be ready to go. They just take your word for it that you don't have anything in your pockets and such, although they do tape you during the test.

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    IDs and NTS……pretty much anything else you take will have to be stowed in a locker, so I wouldn't bother.


    I only had to show one form of ID, but I guess you never know who will be checking you in and how strict they will be. I was getting over a cold, so I had cough drops and kleenex. I was allowed to take my cough drops in, but not my kleenex. Had to throw it away and use THEIR kleenex! LOL

    I really wish I could take my diet pepsi in with me!


    Thank you to everyone for your posts. NTS and 2 photo ID's with signature. I will be sure to have those items and to wear pants with no pockets. lol.

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