What are the expectations from a Senior Accountant?

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    I am a CPA and a senior Accountant, started this job in May 18.Most of my work is accurate but I am making very basic errors which are mostly not presenting the data properly.I am recording all numbers correctly and never had any reconciling variance.My Manager is not happy with the minor errors and wants to make a decision on me soon.I am not sure what that decision be but I feel that he is unreasonable.

    I make errors like showing zero balances in recons, not filtering the data in recon backup that is relevant to the reconciling item even though my recon is accurate .I reconciled dec accurately but forgot to copy nov numbers in the next column and had oct numbers.

    These are the kind of errors I make and they are very silly mistakes .Are Senior accountant’s not expected to make errors like these and they get terminated?

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  • #2157622
    Dad of girls

    Termination seems extreme since you've been there less than a year, unless you knew the position was more of a temp-to-hire type of position. That being said your focus is still the same. I would recommend writing up a “final checklist” to do after every reconciliation. Put obvious things on the checklist, but more importantly, put all those small dumb little errors. Like have one point be “Verify prior months numbers agree with prior reconciliation”, and “Are any zero balances coming through when they shouldn't be”. This broad type of “reasonableness check” should help you catch those errors. Sure creating this checklist will take some thinking, and doing it after every recon will get tedious, but eventually it will become second nature. Plus it is taking the initiative to fix your mistakes that is important. Also consider showing the checklist to your manager in case there is anything he would like to add to it.


    He said he wants a decision to be made and he is copying his boss on emailing me such errors.Do you think he will do a PIP?


    CPA-level jobs are often required to have a high level of accuracy. Your post make you seem to be very forgiving of your own mistakes, and if you give that vibe to your supervisor he might interpret that as “live with it, it's not so bad”. My opinion – Do what you need to do to increase your accuracy. Make a checklist of items to check before sending something to him. Present him with the changes you are willing to make in order to do your job at a higher level.

    FAR 04/11/2016 - 84
    AUD 05/12/2016 - 79
    BEC 07/06/2016 - 81
    REG 08/29/2016


    I'd suggest a more thorough review of your own work.
    If possible hold the rec's until the following day to review with a fresh set of eyes to try and catch your own mistakes before someone else does.
    If it can't wait a day, hold onto it for an hour or 2 longer while you work on something else, then review once again before sending it along.
    While there are big and small errors, you should feel that any error is large. Your attention to detail needs to exceed your supervisor's expectations.
    If they can't trust you to do a simple rec, how can they trust you to do more advanced things on your own without having to double check every detail.
    Try and step your game up, you got this!


    Accounting professionals in general are expected to have high level of accuracy.
    As Bhunt815 mentioned above, you do sound a little too forgiving of your own mistakes.
    Everyone knows we all make mistakes, but unless you feel bad about it, you are unlikely to improve.
    And, I wouldn't give out the vibe that basically says ‘it's a silly mistake. who cares.'
    Stop justifying your mistakes. Own up to it. Fix it. Don't do it again.

    I recommend for whatever projects you are responsible for, write the process down. Maybe come up w/ a self-review checklist.
    Implement check figures in your workpaper. Even if it means spending extra 15-30 mins to do a thorough review of your work after you've done it, do it, if that's what it takes to stop you from making “silly” mistakes.

    FAR - 94 (10/4/15), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    AUD - 99 (1/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    REG - 96 (4/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ
    BEC - 91 (7/19/16), Local Prep Online Lectures, BISK & NINJA MCQ

    581 days of listening to lectures, reading texts & 10,000+ MCQs...


    I am not sure those are minor errors to your manager. The zero value items are probably not a big deal, BUT if he has a recon with dec and oct numbers and doesn’t know the oct numbers are not the nov numbers you actually used, this requires him to stop what he is doing and find you or go in the file and pull the document and essentially redo your work to see what is going on.

    No matter where you work or in what position, if you are making someone’s job harder for them they are not going to like working with you.

    I really like the idea someone mentioned about making a checklist of all the things you should be checking for before submitting to your manager. This would also show that you care.


    I've been in the position where I've managed Sr Accts (as well as Sr Acct myself) and to be blunt your boss is not being unreasonable. You are a CPA and you've been in your position for 8 months. Those type of errors on a continual basis are inexcusable.
    That being said there has been some great advice in above threads that can help you. One, that I did was to create a checklist for myself when I was a Sr Acct. Make sure each item is accounted for. Second, find a way where you can incorporate your firm's data into an excel sheet. Doing so will allow you much flexibility to run simple checks, tie out numbers, create formuals to compare to previous month data, budget data, YTD, etc. Three, do a reasonableness check on the numbers and/or comparisons. For example, you may have a zero % variance (sounds great but unusual) but did the numbers change from last month, should there really be a zero there, etc? )Remember those FASB Conceptual Framework concepts from FAR?) Finally, your goal should be to make your boss's job easier. You need to ensure accurate and complete work is being presented. Take the time to check your work. It will only help you in the long run not just for this particular boss.


    I got laid off finally.The letter was given to me by HR which said that they have eliminated my role due to restructuring.I don’t buy that it was a layoff and rather a plan of my manager to get rid of me quickly.He could put me on a PIP but he just wanted me out instantly .


    pat pat. Do they give you any severance package? Use that and take a break…At least it's not a fire.

    Pork Flavored Bacon

    So this is the second (or third?) senior associate position from which you have been fired. I don't want to put you down but if three employers have fired you for performance-related issues in three years, the problem isn't your employers being unreasonable with their expectations. The problem is you are performing below a senior associate level.

    At this point in your career it doesn't seem like you're ready for senior associate and if you continue to seek out senior roles, you might be setting yourself up for failure.

    It might be helpful if you go back to an experienced associate level position and move back into a senior associate role naturally.

    FAR - 75 | REG - 87 | AUD - 82 | LAW - 81


    Then what do they see in the interview, they offer me the job very quickly based upon the interview and no one calls me for less than a Senior Accountant because I am active CPA and now I have three years of a Sr Accountant experience.

    I worked as a staff accountant for 4 years before becoming a Sr Accountant but those were contracts.


    I was bored at my last job and used to get everything done in 10 days with nothing left to do for rest of the month .The job was very simple


    This is the third job you have lost due to the same exact performance reasons. If anything, this employer was doing you a huge favor. It seems strange that you still choose to blame everyone but yourself at this point. If you can't catch errors in your own work, how can your bosses expect you to solve any client-related issues? Your employers have been very patient with you. The clients won't and you will lose reputation and money not only for yourself, but for your employer.

    Maybe you should take the CPA off of your resume and go back to that simple job. Maybe by then you can get it through your thick noggin on what it takes to even be an accountant.


    Another71.com delivering some harsh truth, one serving at a time.
    Tough luck on getting fired, hopefully you find a new job that works out for you (and your future employer) soon.
    In all honesty I think your contract work experience did not prepare you for a senior role, and every firm hiring you based on your 4 years experience and then senior job titles on your resume all expect you to be up to speed, but you never got up to speed. I've read about this type of situation happening to people who transfer jobs frequently for better pay and better titles. They end up moving up the ladder but don't actually have the experience and knowledge to back it up, so they become frustrated and their employers become frustrated. This is why firms usually try to promote from within, knowing the candidate has been taught correctly and progressed naturally.
    I'm going to agree with the above poster and encourage you to drop back from the senior role, or be open and honest with your next potential hire so they can teach you correctly.


    I am sorry to hear that they let you go.

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