Virginia: About to pass last test -questions about ethics exam & work experience

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  • #157980

    Hi all,


    Sorry if this information is out there and easy to find, but I certainly can’t seem to find it on the VA BOA Web site.


    My spouse is about to (hopefully) pass BEC in two weeks and then she’ll be all done w/ the CPA exams. She’s met the educational requirements, so my understanding is that she just needs the ethics exam and the work experience to become a licensed CPA in Virginia.


    Ethics exam: How does she sign up to take this? The VA BOA site has some reference to Ethics CPEs, but nothing about the ethics test you need to take to get your CPA. Is it the standard AICPA ethics exam? If so, do we just order it directly from AICPA? Presumably you don’t need to wait to pass your last test before ordering?


    Work experience: My spouse has more than enough accounting/financial experience, but none of her supervisors/coworkers have an active CPA license. The VA BOA office has told us via e-mail that anybody with a CPA (i.e. a friend or associate from another company) can sign the work experience verification form. Does this sound right? I hope so because it doesn’t seem right that even though she has had plenty of accounting experience she can’t meet the requirement unless a supervisor or co-worker is an active CPA.


    Thanks in advance for any info!n


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  • Author
  • #233051

    Virginia accepts the AICPA ethics. Perhaps you might be looking at the wrong site. VA BOA has different tabs for CPA exam and Licensure services. The licensure page is below:



    Click on the “Aicpa ethics exam” and “applications and forms” for experience info. Hope it helps and congrats to your wife!n



    Virginia accepts the AICPA ethics. Perhaps you might be looking at the wrong site. VA BOA has different tabs for CPA exam and Licensure services. The licensure page is below:

    Click on the “Aicpa ethics exam” and “applications and forms” for experience info. Hope it helps and congrats to your wife!

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