Validity Period of NTS & Subsequent Re-applications

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  • #158571


    I live in California, where our NTS is valid for a period of 9 months. I just received notification from the California Board of Accountancy that I have been approved to sit for the exam, and in prompting me to select my sections, it stated that I should only select those sections for which I plan to actually sit within the next 9 months. When it says that my NTS is valid for 9 months before it expires, that means if I receive my NTS on September 13, 2010, for example, it will not expire until June 13, 2010, is that correct? (Or does it continue to be valid through the end of that 9th month, ie. June 30th?)

    Also, I have taken two review courses (for BEC and FAR) and plan to sit for both by December 2010, and I have already scheduled review courses for REG and AUD in April-May 2011 and June 2011, respectively (I’ll be starting full-time as an auditor next month, so I wanted to avoid taking any classes and tests during busy season where I feel like I won’t have enough time to study). So another question is, say everything goes as planned according to my schedule, and I use my NTS for BEC, FAR, and REG and sit for all three exams by the end of May 2011 before it expires. Do I simply apply for a new NTS after the June expiration date to schedule my AUD exam? Is that just done through NASBA, or do I have to re-submit the same application materials I sent in for my initial application with the CBA? How long does it usually take to receive a subsequent NTS (I think I’ve heard about a week on average)?

    Thank you so much in advance 🙂

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