Tips on Conducting an Effective Final Review

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  • #158559

    Every time I finish a chapter I go back to the previous chapter and realize that I can’t remember anything. Is this normal? I should note that I study (I use Becker CPA Review) by drilling the homework question 3-5 times a section and I only move on after I feel that I have a good understanding of the material.

    How do I perform an effective Final Review?

    1.) How can I can I jar my memory and remember all of the concepts that I previously studied and understood while I approach ever closer to my exam date?

    2.) How much time do I need to perform a Final Review? A week, two weeks?

    3.) Should I restudy all of the Becker H.W. questions? Do I have time for that?

    4.) Is the Becker Final Review product worth the money? What is it like? Is it just another set of questions?

    Thanks to all out there that take their valuable time to respond and offer their wisdom to my plight. God Bless and best of luck

    P.S.: If I wanted to contact one of my fellow members how do I do so?

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  • #240396

    Yes, that's normal.

    1) It's very difficult. So much material that the only way to possibly do it is progress tests, but even with those, you're getting random questions, and maybe not hitting the big important stuff as much as you'd like.

    2) I take about five hours per Becker chapter in my own final review. Usually two study sessions for me per Becker chapter. Two weeks is about right for FAR and REG, maybe slightly less for AUD and BEC. But everybody is different. I think two weeks is pretty good, as a rule of thumb.

    3) My own final review (before I use Becker's Final Review) consists of reading/skimming the chapter and then working the questions one time each. The ones I get right, great. The ones I get wrong, I make sure to understand why I got them wrong so if I were to do them again, I'd know how to come up with the correct answer.

    4) Becker's Final Review is great.

    I do my own final review, and what sticks, sticks.

    Then I use Becker's Final Review and you get all the big, need to know important stuff refreshed over a span of a day or two before the exam. It's great to have all that important stuff fresh in your head right before the test.

    There are new questions in it, anywhere from 8-20 per topic. There are 16 topics in both FAR and REG, I believe (the topics are broken out differently than the chapters, but it's the exact same material, even the same mnemonics as in the regular Becker review). So you're getting over 200 new questions, and keep in mind that the questions are on the big material, so I think the questions are more relevant. There are also a ton of simulations in the Final Review. That's where you really find out if you know the material or not.

    I think it's a great product and I recommend it to anybody using Becker. It really gets all the material fresh in your head right before exam time. The day before the exam I did all the Becker Final Review multiple choice questions one time each (I had done them once already in the day or two before). This ensures that you have every topic fresh when you take the exam.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    Thank you soo very much whitesoxcpafan I appreciate you taking the time to provide such a good response. Take care.


    You too. Good luck studying!

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    What's worked for me so far on my final review is i usually dedicate at least 1 chapter a day if im working and 2 chapters a day if on the weekend leading up to the test. I'll hit up the MCQs and do a few from the chapter i reviewed the day before.. seems to help.

    Reg (4/12/10) 87 - Far (7/7/10) 88 - Aud (8/9/10) 83 - BEC (8/30/10) ???



    I “hope” u read this, no pun intended. not gonna number my responses, just writing what i do using becker.

    1st-read entire chapters as fast as possible first time through. Print out and work each MC question as i progress through each chapter, seperated by sections in chapter (example: REG ch.1 – individual taxation; adjustments and deductions; etc,….)

    2nd- read review note cards made by Becker, and add my own if concepts need further clarification

    3rd- work Sims for each chapter

    4th-reread chapters, but this time use sticky notes and make my own highlighting. This read-through is very time consuming and thorough. Each chapter should take minimum of 2-3 days using this method.

    5th– make extensive notes, write on printed MC questions for each chapter. Use sticky notes and other methods to identify difficult questions

    6th-read flashcards and work SIMS

    7th-start Becker Final Review and working Becker Final Exam about 4 weeks before test. Work Sims several more times

    8th-reread chapters a 3rd time, but by now you should be able to briefly skim and pick up concepts; work MC again and add any notes needed

    9th- Read note cards, work sims again, work on final review and final exam

    10th- Make a calender and you should dedicate 2 days per chapter, then one day per chapter, then 2-3 chapters PER DAY leading into the actual exam.

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