Tips for those getting started/ considering taking the exam

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  • #159358


    Just want to say thank you for your thoughtful and insightful post! I’m beginning my CPA journey (for the second time around) in 2011. I ordered Yaeger, and have decided to take the sections in this order: FAR, AUD, REG, BEC. I don’t have any parts scheduled at this point, but plan to take them (Beg) 4/2011, (End) 5/2011, (Beg) 7/2011, (End) 8/2011. I’ll be “ordering” an NTS for FAR and AUD shortly. I’m hoping that my materials will ship soon, so I can begin studying. At this point I’m excited to get going, hopefully that will see me through FAR & AUD at least, lol.

    Thanks for your advice and recommendations. I really appreciate it, and look forward to reading about your final passing score!

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  • #259060
    75 CPA

    Great! You are taking the beast, FAR, first and you are also taking AUD after FAR. You are also using Yaeger, my favorite course.

    Another suggestion is to take as long as it takes to master FAR BEFORE the clock starts ticking. FAR has the most amount of material and you want to pass FAR on the first try. Yaeger is the best course to help you pass FAR. You are in very good hands with Yaeger.

    However, I would not take both FAR and AUD in the same test window. Take AUD in the next test window. AUD relies a lot on FAR and you need to do a minimum of 2,000 questions for AUD.

    If you insist on taking two exams in the same window, do NOT take FAR and AUD in the same window. Pair FAR with REG or BEC in one window and AUD with REG or BEC in the next window. In my opinion, AUD is the most difficult exam. Unlike the other exams, AUD is very tricky.

    My other suggestion is to only schedule an NTS for FAR and AUD. You need that flexibility if there is a bump in the road. Wait until you get the results for both FAR and AUD before you schedule the next two exams.

    I passed my last exam in August, but it seems like a million years ago. I forget that I had to drop out of society for two years to pass these exams. I scheduled AUD, BEC and REG an average of 4 months apart and I scheduled FAR after 6 months of studying. All of my exams, except AUD (74) went smoothly. I was well prepared and I did not even get upset with a 74 in AUD when I was on a two week cruise. Eight more days of studying put me over the top with AUD. I submitted my plan to God and my plan succeeded!

    It sounds like you are off to a great start. Good Luck!


    Hi Celeste! The most important thing is to have a plan and stick to it. Anything can be done. I think taking FAR and AUD in the same window is a very good idea. I took REG-July, BEC-Aug, FAR-Oct, then AUD-Nov. I took two test per window. One at the beginning of the testing window and one at the end. I started studying in May with Becker and took my last exam in November. I've heard many people say to take two exams per testing window.. now quite sure why someone wouldn't recommend this. Stick to your plan and you will succeed. I'm sorry but the 1st mistake people make is changing their plan because someone else said to 🙁

    Remember next year you have to wait until the end of EACH quarter to know your score. You know how much time will be wasted waiting for your score if you don't take two exams each window!

    Good Luck!!


    Thank you both so much for your replies, I really appreciate your thoughts on this. I had been thinking for some time about which order to take the exams, and how to space them! I wasn't sure whether I should take my time, or take two per window. I don't think I'll ever feel totally confident in the order and spacing choices, so I decided to just make a plan! I'm glad to have the opportunity to seek wise counselors who have gone before me (another “Thanks Jeff”, lol)! I will definitely take all suggestions into consideration, as I still haven't applied for my NTS (need to soon though!). I'm thinking the score release may be less stressful than what you guys have been going through, since we *know* they won't be coming out until after the window closes. It sure isn't convenient for planning purposes though, lol. I know God works things all for the good of those who love Him. I do not assume that means I will be a CPA, but I have no doubt that my character will be refined through this process! Thanks so much for your posts guys!


    Good Luck Celeste. I know so many times I continued to doubt the order of the exams, timing, studying, pending score, etc. Now that I'm done (in 6 months), I thank God above that I put trust in myself and Him to get through it. I'm just really happy I didn't listen to anyone else when it came to when and how to do the exam. I came so close to changing my schedule multiple times because of what others had advised me. I'm glad I didn't 🙂

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