The 18 month limit to pass remaining 3 sections after passing 1st section

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  • #159607

    I would like some clarification on the 18 month limitation. I understand that 18 months to pass the remaining sections after passing your first section, but lets say for example you completed 3 sections in the allotted time (18 months). Are you able to finish the last section and REDO the section you first completed (which you had first completed more than 18 months ago) thus completing all 4 sections within the given time frame?


    Do you just have completely start all over again?


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  • Author
  • #269176

    Each passing score has it's own passing credit expiration date. For example, if you pass REG in January 2011 – your passing score does not expire until July 2012. If you do not pass all four sections prior to July 2012, you will lose credit for REG and will have to re-take and pass it again. You will still get to keep credit for any sections you have taken and passed after REG until they reach their expiration dates.

    Now to make this long explanation short – no you don't have to start over. Just retake the one you lost credit for and pass the 4th.

    Hope this helps!

    FAR - (7/13/10) 84
    AUD - (8/9/10) 88
    REG - (10/4/10) 85
    BEC - (11/8/10) 86


    Thank you so much. Wow that just released a load of pressure off me.


    All 4 passing have to fall within an 18 month window.. that's all.. No start over from the beginning 🙂 (of course, unless they ALL fell without the 18 month window)


    I have a question about scheduling my exam. I have a part that expires on the 28th and I want to schedule my last exam (FAR) for the 28th. I have talked to somone at NASBA and they said that I would need to pass the exam ON or before my part expires…which would be the 28th. I have looked for some sort of documentation to confirm this is true but can't find anything. Has anyone ever taken an exam on the day their part expires? I know this is a risky situation, but I need all the study time I can get!!


    Yeah, I've seen numerous people take the exam on a day another part expires.. it's on or before.. you can always call, again, to confirm.

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