Studying w/Becker

  • This topic has 12 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 15 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #157280

    I was wondering from those of you who are passing with Becker, are you attending or viewing the live courses, or are you doing the home study?

    I will not be able to physically attend classes. I have to study from home. I have 3 kids, and a husband that works away from the home.

    Would you suggest I do home study w/Becker or Yaeger.

    Thanks for any input.

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  • #217778

    I REALLY like Becker. I am using the self study and the Becker final review. The screen that you see during the practice finals is exactly what you will see at the testing center.

    Good luck.

    FAR 1/22/10 PASSED
    BEC 2/05/10 PASSED
    AUD 3/02/10 PASSED


    I'm using Becker live classes and find it useful. There are some areas that the lecture doesn't make clear that the in-class instructor clarifies and it makes sense then.


    I'm using Becker's home study. I love being able to press “Pause” and “Replay” at my convenience when I don't understand something or need to catch up with my highlighting and taking notes.

    And I would definitely recommend Becker any day, for sure!

    75 CPA

    Yaeger homestudy for FAR, REG and BEC. Becker (homestudy) for AUD.

    Yaeger is far superior to Becker for teaching and explanations. Becker is better at 100% memorization, such as for AUD.

    Yaeger is only $345 with the discount, and there are no expirations dates.


    I'm using Becker homestudy and am pleased with it. I also have 3 kiddos so I often get interrupted and like to be able to pause the lecture or go back if needed. I also have the Final Review and the flashcards, which I like. I keep them in my purse and can review while I'm waiting at dance class, gymnastics, class, hockey or soccer practice! LOL

    Like I said I am happy with Becker, but so many people talk highly of the Yaeger materials, I wish I had found this board before I spent the money on Becker, because I would have highly considered Yaeger instead!

    The GaJone

    The only problem with the Becker homestudy is one of the instructors, Tim Gearty says the word “again” like five thousand times per lecture, and it will drive you out of your mind once you notice it.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    I like Becker. Last year I did all of the Live Lectures in Manhattan as part of my Master's in Accounting curriculum. However, I have discovered that I definitely prefer the Becker Self Study. It can be brutally draining to sit all day in a live lecture – I found that I would actually zone in and out after a while.

    I didn't start passing the CPA exams until I actually used my Becker Live Lecture materials on my own for the next time around.

    With the change to 2010, I decided to try the Yaeger FAR HomeStudy, and just didn't like it. My study style is definitely more in line with Becker, and I am now doing the 2010 Becker FAR Self Study. However, I plan to supplement it with the Wiley 2010 book I received with the Yaeger FAR HomeStudy as well as use the Yaeger lectures for any topics that I may struggle with to see if another way of explaining may help.

    Best of luck to you! And knowing your study style will help you out and save you money!


    I am the kind of studier that needs someone to instruct and explain things to me. I tried the live Becker class but it was 2 hours away. All the instructor did was play the DVD. After 3 nights of that I asked her for the rest of the lecture DVDs and went home. After spending so much money, I made myself study on my own and it actually worked out well for me. I have kids and work full time so I squeeze it in when I can. The key for me is to set goals and stick to a schedule. The Final Reviews are great.

    After reading so much about Yaegar on this forum, I wish I'd done the Home Study. That is more my style. I may convert if I can't pass.


    Becker home study has worked for me for AUD and FAR. No complaints here! Felt like I cheated on the exams because the practice exams and questions were extremely similar to the real test.


    Thank you sooo much everyone, I tried the first time around with Gleim books only, and apparently that didn't work. Failed the 2 parts I sat for. So, trying a new program.


    Here's the general consensus I've heard from being on this site and knowing friends.

    Becker is good, absolutely sufficient for FAR and excellent for BEC/AUD. It's main weakness and constant complaint I've heard is about REG.

    Yaeger is good/excellent for all 4 parts.

    Personally, if for some reason you have a discount or another reason to use Becker, it's great for FAR/BEC/AUD. However, if I had to invest all of my money in one program, it'd probably be Yaeger. This only applies as a comparison for the home studies obviously, since Yaeger doesn't offer live classes.


    Thank you dwadecpa–your comments helped me to commit to the purchase of material. I was up between Becker and Yaeger…but really didn't have the money for Becker, and wouldn't be able to attend live lectures.


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