Studying book simulations

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  • #157641

    I was wondering their are multiple sample simulations at the end of each chapter.

    Is it really worth it to spend a lot of time on these?

    I have heard others say, if you know the MCQ then you will do fine on the simulations.

    So, it seems I shouldn’t waste my time on completing these and should instead focus on the MCQ

    Any input???

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  • #228233

    I would say you need to be familiar with how to move around in the Sims screen (split screen, etc.) but if you know the material (through MCQs) you don't really need to “practice” the sims.


    As Connie said, I would definitely suggest familiarizing yourself with the format so that you don't have to waste any time on the actual exam. I would also do a couple just to see how you are with timing and to have a little experience with how to structure your written communications. With REG, I had completed about 5 or 6 of the simulations and do not think doing the rest would have greatly enhanced my score. However, I'm really glad that I spent the time practicing them, as I was perfect on the timing for REG (which usually, it appears from others, is not the case) and had 5 minutes to spare at the end. So if you're really crunched for time, I'd recommend doing at least a couple (2-3).

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