Studying Advice

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  • #157495

    Hey y’all, I’m new to this site. My co-worker told me about this site after I started stressing about REG and thinking no one else in the world was as nervous as I was for this test. While I have taken the REG portion of the exam, I didn’t pass it. But there’s no time to dwell on that because I have the FAR test right around the corner. My question is, does anyone have any advice on how to study and when to studying while working 45-50 hours a week?

    I am currently enrolled in the Becker live courses, which I go to two nights a week. Usually Tuesday and Thursday I do the M/C questions for the sections that we went over in “class” but there are just some days when, after sitting at a computer for 9 hours working, I just don’t want to sit at a computer anymore which means I know I’m not putting in enough effort and hence why I didn’t pass REG. Any advice on how to get motivated or do I really just need to suck it up and sit another 3 hours at the computer at night? I feel like by the time I get to at least hour 2 of studying (if I make it that far) I’m burned out from talking and learning “accounting”.

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  • Author
  • #224345

    I am getting ready to take FAR (my first section) on April 1. I know that it is difficult to go home and study after work and I know that it is diffcult to spend weekends studying. I just try to remind myself that the more time and effort I put in now, the more likely it is that i will pass the exams. The quicker I pass the exams, the quicker I am done studying for good. It will all be worth it in the end. This test requires a lot of mental endurance…. not just to sit for four hours and take the exam, but to spend weeks and weeks studying hours everyday. Obviously I am not an expert at this since I haven't sat for an exam yet…. but I do believe that lots of hard work will pay off in the end. Would you rather take a section knowing that you could have done more to get ready for it and then have to take it again or would you rather just put in the necessary time now and hopefully put it behind you?


    Daisy, sounds like you may need to change your environment you're studying in or maybe give yourself 10 minute break rewards for an hour of studying. If you do the reward break thing, though, don't get online. 10 minute breaks have turned into me wasting an hour surfing my friends Facebook pages lamenting over my nonexistent social life. Also maybe have one night a week where you only study for like 1.5 hours & then watch a movie. You have to take mini-breaks or at least a light day to study or you are going to go insane. I studied nonstop (literally) for 2 months at work all day (my old job at a pub acctg. firm that was rapidly losing clients = study time ALL DAY) and would go home and study for another 3 hours. Failed FAR with a 73. I'm postiive it's b/c I put so much pressure on myself and didn't do anything social besides one dinner with friends. Passed Audit studying for 3 weeks with a couple of times where I studied and then went to hang with friends. Just having a break helps.

    BEC 76 AUD 86 FAR 81 REG 79


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