Study material suggestion for borderline people with score of 72-75

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  • #158725

    Hello, guys, I am wondering what study material that you guys would recommend for the people got score of 72-75?

    I took AUD and got 72, I would consider myself as someone with the borderline score. Currently, I am only using Becker course and its final review course. I did all MCQ frmo becker 3 times and I was confident when I did the MCQ on the exam, but I got 72, maybe I lose a lot of point on simulation. I am going to re-take the exam in the upcoming window, so, I am thinking to purchase Wiley’s test bank for AUD or Yaeger’s single section cram, what do you think?

    Please feel free to leave comments regarding the various final review course or crams for different cpa exam sections.

    To me, I think the final review for BEC is helpful, but not good for AUD.

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  • #240272

    CRAM. It got me from a 70 to a 83 in AUD in one try

    75 CPA

    I would suggest Yaeger Cram for AUD. I used Yaeger's AUD Cram for 5 days, and I went from a 74 to passing. However, do ALL of the multiple choice questions in the Wiley book, not just the questions that Gary covers. Additionally, do the simulations in the Wiley book. One of the simulations that Gary covered in the Wiley book was on my exam.


    Thanks, guys. Yaeger cram seems like a good investment.

    BTW, it is good to know that the simulation on the Wiley book has simular content on the exam. There are simulations on the Becker final review, but none of them are even close to what is on the exams (I took Audit twice).



    When you review for the re-take study refresh everything – don't just study for the last test. The next one will be different. As for sims – they are the luck of the draw. My guess is that they are always developing new sims and there is no way the review material can always guess what that is. If your MCQ and WC is very strong that will give you a little leeway on the sims.

    I like Gleim test prep for MCQ. Whichever way you go – read both the correct and incorrect responses. There is a lot of good info in those responses. Many times it can provide that little edge on the next exam!

    Good luck!



    Be careful with exam disclosures!

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

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