Study Habits

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  • #157171

    Hello. I have just recently started studying for the AUD section. It will be my first exam. I will breakdown my study routine. Could someone please let me know if this is good or bad and give me some advise.

    First, I watch the lecture (live Becker class)

    Then, I go home and read the chapter as detailed as possible

    Then, I work the multiple choice questions.

    As I go through the questions, I look at the answer and see why I answered them wrong

    Usually, I try to go through the questions a second time. When I do this, I usually score very high.

    Then, I do the supplementary questions.

    I have only studied one chapter. When I finished will all 5 chapters, I will do a Becker Practice Exam.

    Please let me know if I’m studying okay, or if I need to do something different.

    Thank you very much for your responses.

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  • #217021

    I wrote an article on this…hope some of it is helpful…


    south0085, sounds like you are very thorough. Don't forget to try your hand at the simulations in the Becker software too. They are definitely helpful in giving you an idea of what a simulation looks like and you're supposed to do with it, specially since this will be your first exam. Good luck!

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker


    south0085 – What you are doing is pretty good. Just to add to this, I throw in a few progress test on the previous chapters as I progress through the material. If I start doing really bad on the progress test, I go back to the chapter since it is probably a sign that I am not retaining the information. One additional thing I do is I save the supplemental questions for my review after I have gone through all the material chapters 1-5. They are usually harder and will help in identifying weak areas. There is also a simulated exam that you can do. I agree with zena, you really need to look at the Becker practice simulations just to get a feel of how they are. The last item I would say is to be very familiar with the different types of audit reports, the difference between them and the order of the paragraphs, etc. Whether to memorzie them is a personal choice, I did not but others say to. If you do not memorize them you need to be very familiar. Good Luck.


    I passed AUD using Becker as my first section. I found it incredibly helpful to read the section before going to class and watching the lecture. I also did one pass through the regular MC questions before going to class as well. That gave me insight into what to watch for in the lecture. After the class I would do all the MC questions again and do the supplemental MC questions. It worked well for me.


    Thank you everyone for your posts. I have completed the simulation on chapter one and I will definitely do all the other simulations. Additionally, I agree that doing one pass of the MC questions and skimming over the book before the class would be a great idea. Is it normal, after reading the chapter and watching the lecture, to get a 65% on the MC questions the first pass through? When I re-do them, however, I always get a 80% or better. Everyone's ideas are very helpful. Thank You.


    I would say 65% is normal. Do you have the SW set to give you the answer as soon as you make your choice? I do, and typically, I start out about 50/50 and then as I see where I made the wrong choice, my score improves so by the end of the set of questions I'm averaging 70%, first time through.

    FAR 86 | BEC 94 | AUD 90 | REG 85
    All done! used Becker

    The GaJone

    My goal is always to get 70% of the MC on the first pass through. Doesn't always happen of course, but there are some sections that I feel extremely comfortable with just after watching the lecture once and I can get about 90% correct on the first pass through (a few of the AUD MC sections, like the reviews & comps and attestation engagement sections I did very well on).

    However, a lot of the FAR MC sections I'd get like 60% at best on the first time through. Just a completely different beast.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)


    Before i comment just want to say that studying for these exams is all a matter of how you like to study. Hopefully you've gone thru college and learned what works best for you because what works for someone else may not work best for you. The few simple “musts” are to go through each chapter somehow, either by live class or self study video cd, do the 15-20 questions at the end of each chapter, and study all of the passmaster questions with the becker software and if time permits do the supplemental questions. Also, within 1-4 days b4 the exam maybe a quick 1-2 review of all the chapters and do some of the mc is good. Also, dont skip anythign you dont understand just take the time to learn it..maybe use google searches to help clarify sumthign if its not clear. on the mc's after doing a chapter i get between 65-95%.

    the wya i do a chapter is do self study videos then after the chapter i do all the mc's any redo all the missed mc's till i get 100%. then 1 day b4 i review all the chapters.

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