So frustrating, but I need to find motivation.

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  • #158398

    I don’t know where exactly I lost my motivation to pass these exams. Two years ago I passed BEC then six months later I passed REG, everything seemed great and I felt like I was coasting. I haven’t even attempted to take an exam since then! I guess the best way to explain it is….life happened. Seems like I’m always busy with work, my wife and I had our 2nd child in the last year and between family and work, studying is just not a priority. I’ve since lost BEC and will lose REG in November since there is no way I’m going to take and pass 3 exams by Nov 18th.

    So, now the big question is how do I get back on track? How do I find the motivation to go through this again? I remember reading threads here in the past with people in my situation, how did you guys do it? I’m making an attempt now, I’ve scheduled FARE and BEC for the next window and hopefully can study enough to knock those out. I’m least worried about REG since I scored an 88 and work exclusively in a tax department. Wish me luck and I’ll keep you posted.

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  • #235345

    I forgot to mention, my job is adding to the pressure. I've been asked repeatedly by supervisers and even partners, when I'm going to pass the exam and I feel like it's held me back a little. I didn't get promoted this past year despite my work being ahead of the curve for the last couple of years.


    Basically I'm in the total opposite situation as you, just graduated college and had the summer off. It has been extremely difficult to force myself to study all summer, it sucks I want to go out and do stuff. Basically it comes down to really want it and making time. Maybe as ass-backwards it sounds with all the changes coming but maybe try and schedule REG for the end of November so you at least can try and get one thing passed this window and motivate you. At least maybe the passing might force you to keep trying hard so as not to lose that again. Also make a schedule for your studying and small goals/rewards and post it in your office at work, on your fridge, at your computer/study area at home. If you make it a point to say study on a Friday night and Saturday morning then take Saturday afternoon off to spend time with your kids and wife. Its what I do to get through the day, I tell myself I can go on FB or call a friend after doing another 50 multiple choice. Its amazing how fast I get those multiple choice done. Good luck!!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    yeah, I'm a little worried that I won't pass FARE and compound my frustration. But with the test changes on BEC and FARE I'd rather try and get those out of the way. I'm givning myself 2 full months for FARE and 1 for BEC. So as long as I study nice and steady I think I'll do ok. I don't think non-CPA candidates realize how overbearing this exam is. Even when I'm not studying (like this past 1 1/2 years), I feel guilty having any fun.


    I know what you mean sal, and michelle 119, i know exactly how you feel…and if those FAR scores are posted tomorrow and I find out I didn't pass I will be so insanely upset that I just blew 2 months of my last “free” summer studying for almost nothing!

    Sal, I do think it is best that you try to knock out BEC and FAR since they will be changing the most next year. I think that should be enough time, as long as you buckle down and apply yourself. Half of the test is the mental battle, since not all of us are smart as some people who pass all 4 parts in like 2 months time…best of luck and don't let your head hang throughout the whole ordeal!

    FAR: 8/5/2010 - 89
    AUD: 8/24/2010 - 92
    REG: 10/11/2010 - 94!!
    BEC: 11/30/2010


    Your 2nd child is probably still young enough and not mobile enough to require more monitoring; now is probably a good time to get going, as I believe tax season is also starting to kick in.

    You either pass the exams and get the designation or you don't. I believe Jeff has a number of kids himself, and you can find on this website what motivated him to study and pass, even after 14 attempts. Get this out of your way, b/c it will nag and gnaw at you until you are done.

    And you're not the only one who felt guilty having fun when they should be studying. There's billions of other things any sane person would rather be doing then Excedrin-inducing multiple-choice questions!

    I really can't pass again!

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