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  • #157600

    Hello all,

    I have really been struggling with simulations, and I need your advice!

    Every time I get my score reports back from a failed exam, I score higher or the same as a passing candidate on all of the multiple choice sections, but weaker in both simulations. I just feel like I never have enough time to do them – I am a very conscientious test taker and have taken nearly the entire exam to do just the multiple choice questions, leaving just a half hour or less for BOTH simulations. I know I need be more aware of my time and practice more multiple choice/get more comfortable with the information so I may complete these sections faster. I know the information, but I just go blank when it comes to the simulations, so not only do I have very little time to do them, but I have never known the answer to a simulation. I find the simulations to be much more difficult than the MC’s because you don’t have the correct answer given to you as an option as you do for the MC’s.

    What can I do to help prepare myself for the “anything goes” style of the simulations? Any advice that you feel really helped you prepare and/or pass? I am currently studying with Becker and I don’t find the simulation study materials to be very helpful.


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  • #228074

    maybe try gleim simulations which r online or wiley test bank. i don't really know. i think i may have same problem. also dont practice mc questions by hand. i hear if u try them on thepc it hepls yr eye hand co-ordiantion and moves u faster. also i plan do the sims on paper and then insert the numbers. calculating it on the pc directly could be overwhelming, but remember the time factor.

    so u do well on the sims. my review teacher says to do written first and get yr 10 points b4 embarking on the actual sims tab and that don'tw waste much time on the research

    hope this helps


    Hey Boston, your exam taking strategy needs to be changed!

    You are being stubborn trying to answer every MCQ perfectly so that's why you don't have enough time for the SIMS. I was the same way and then changed my strategy and passed.

    My advice for REG- spend NO more than 30-35 minutes for each of the first 3 testlets. If you don't know how to solve a MCQ right away in the first 20 seconds guess “b” and move-on!!!!! You will then have less “time” stress for the SIMs and your brain will solve the SIMS!

    For FAR -35-45 minutes per each of the first 3 testlets…….(same as above)

    AUD- time shouldn't be an issue……

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!


    I agree with NJCPA2B except for the guess b part. I'd say narrow it down to 2 and guess off of one of those 2. You can usually narrow it down, but if not then you can guess b or whatever letter you like the best. I always flew through the MC and had a couple hours for sims on each test and I passed all but one on the first try.


    I took my first exam last window (reg) I passed with an 80 and I primarily used Becker to prepare. The truth is I did not even try their simulations for myself. What I did was before a week of the exam I looked at how they approached answering the sims and kept that idea in my head. I guessed that worked for me. My view is that if you study the materials and know it then you should be able to do the sims.


    pls does anybody know ones chances of getting a business law simulation….it is very risky to have a bss law simulation i would think….i pray to God i don't get one. that will be a sad sad day….i am still trying to figure out a good strategy to tackle bss law ms!!!any ideas that may help or worked ????????

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