Should I ask to have AUD regraded?- for Jeff

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  • #159562

    Hi. Maybe Jeff can answer this question for me. Last year, I passed FAR, REG, and BEC. I found out that I failed AUD with a 74 in December. Many of my co-workers are suggesting that I ask for a re-grade since I was only one point away, and I passed all of the other 3 on the first go. The main reason I want to ask for a re-grade is because I know AUD is totally changing for 2011. What do you think Jeff? My score report is:

    Multiple Choice (70%)- weaker

    Simulations (20%)- stronger

    Written Communication (10%) – comparable

    On the previous 3 exams, I have always scored stronger on the written comm. This is the first test that I didn’t. Any advice would be great. Has anyone’s score ever changed because of the process, even by one point?

    Thanks in advance.

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  • #268743

    It's not worth it…I looked into it after back to back 74s on Regulation.

    I write about this in my free book:

    Sorry to hear about your score,



    My situation was almost exactly the same. Passed the first 3 on the first try last year beginning in April and failed audit by 1 point in October. I looked into requesting a re grade and with the money and effort you have to put into it, it's better to just retake the test. Plus, the odds of them over turning it are about 0%.


    Thank you two for the advice. This is very disappointing for me. To be so close and now just because of one point, I have to take a new test because of the vast changes that AUD has undergone. It seems like the AICPA could use some common sense and come to the conclusion that if a candidate passed all three on their first go and then failed the last one by one point, that they shouldn't have to take a whole new test. What a bummer!!


    To jrsmith416- Have you already taken AUD again? If so, did you find it that different and did you completely prepare for it from scratch? Thanks.



    I disagree. A score of 75 is passing. If you don't get a 75, you don't pass. Period. If they made all sorts of exceptions, then what kind of credibility would CPA certification have? It wouldn't mean much if everybody knew all you had to do was get “close” to passing to pass and that if you passed 3/4 of it and begged, they'd just give it to you!

    Study hard and you'll nail AUD, with or without the changes in 2011.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88


    I am not really asking you if you agree or disagree- just expressing my disappointment with the regrading process and the fact that one does not really exist.


    I know you're not asking. I saw your post, which is on a public internet forum, and gave my opinion on it.

    AUD 96 FAR 95 REG 94 BEC 88

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