Running out of time, what if time runs out before I know if I passed or not - Page 2

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  • #157272

    Hi All,


    I am taking Audit this week but just in case I don’t pass I am going to have to take it in April or May. I lose credit for FAR in the middle of May due to the 18 months but what if I don’t find out my results before my time is up? Does anyone know how this is handled? I would appreciate any advice and also any advice for last minute studying on Audit because I am hoping I don’t even have to worry about taking it in April or May!n


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  • Author
  • #217690

    Kate…great question…My BEC expires in the middle of May. I just took Reg for the 3rd time..and I'm planning on taking AUD the first of May…Nothing like a little extra pressure. Good Luck

    BEC 81 expired, 74, Oct 80
    FAR 79
    REG 70, 70, 82
    AUD 74, 65, Nov

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