Reporting technical issues to NASBA

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  • #157313

    On both FAR and REG I had technical difficulties on my sims. REG had disappearing instructions and FAR wouldn’t allow me to enter my answer correctly (it kept rounding up which made it wrong).

    In both instances, I reported to NASBA the issue the same day. Neither time did I hear back. The first instance I also copied the AICPA and they wrote an official letter saying it was a NASBA issue.

    Well now that I failed FAR, I want NASBA to follow-up. I know they would never rescore it and give me credit, but maybe I could retest without paying for it. I e-mailed NASBA again today.

    Has anyone had a similar experience?

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  • #224431

    Oh I totally feel you…I took REG last May and I was at the end of the first simulation and the computer completely froze. People at the testing center worked on it for 2 hours. I would sit in the waiting room, they'd tell me it was fixed, I'd go back and work for 3 more minutes and it would freeze again… It was the most torturous experience. Eventually, I couldn't wait any longer and they made no progress, so I just decided to throw in the towel. They let me retest 3 days later. That week was hell. I had to take the same section twice that week and they were 2 TOTALLY different tests.

    I called the AICPA, but they told me it was the testing center's issue. The testing center said it was my state board's issue…I was too exhausted to deal with all the run around, so I didn't even formally report it. I guess I didn't know where to go with my complaint.

    I ended up passing REG with an 88 that awful week. But, the whole experience was so tough on me that I waited almost 9 months to sit for my second section (FAR). I have 2 sections under my belt now, hoping those computer issues never happen again. Good luck with your inquiry. It would be nice for them to acknowledge it, but I don't know how much traction you'll really get.



    What a terrible experience. So much of the exam is being mentally prepared and if you had that happen, you couldn't possibly focus.

    Today I got a call from NASBA and she asked why I didn't report it to Prometric. Ummmm because the instructions say specifically to contact with technical issues.

    It is currently being “investigated”.


    Oh, I meant “.org”.


    Wow, I'm even impressed that you got a call from NASBA – maybe you will make some headway! Funny though that they don't even know that they are the recommended contact for these issues. Too many hands in the cookie jar with this test…

    I'd hope they'll at least let you retake without paying. That is the only just thing to do. Good luck!


    Okay, it's been 4 months and I have an answer: “It appears the candidate did not understand the question…”

    It was a topic I was comfortable with. I hate I did not know where they wanted me to put my answer. If no one else had a problem, it must be me. The simulations are so vague sometimes!

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