Question on work experience

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  • #157608

    I have four months of work experience at a CPA firm after I graduated. I no longer work there. Can I have the CPA in the office sign off my four months of work experience? Also I had two internships during school. One was a couple months long at a CPA firm during busy season. The other was with a corporation that didn’t have a CPA in the office I worked for but did in another regional office. My question regarding this is can the experience that I gained from the internships count toward the experience required to get my CPA license? And if I can could I get the CPA in the other regional office to sign off on my experience since our office didn’t have a CPA. Thanks!!n


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  • #228286

    futureCPA86 – You really need to look at the specifics of your state board requirements for work experience. Some states say you have to be supervised by a CPA and others say that a CPA only has to have direct knowledge of your work experience. It just depends.


    Good Luck.n



    i have the same exact work experience scenario as you and it all depends on your state. For example, mine's NY – so I already emailed all of my former employers which include internships. All are happy to sign off. As far as a CPA in another office is concerned, that maybe a problem. For example, in NY – your supervisor must be a CPA (practicing or not, out/instate) or a PA, which basically just means that at least one person above you in your whole department. You may try to ask both offices to see if the other office would be willing to sign off. Good luck!!!n



    In WI, you can't use any experience you may have before you became eligible to actually take the exam. You have to have 150 credits and be approved to take the test before the clock starts ticking for experience. I had a 6 month internship at a CPA firm and have 3 years in my current role as a tax accountant in industry. When I sent in for my license after I passed the CPA exam, I could only use 1.5 years in industry toward my work experience because I had a few more classes to take before I became eligible to take the exam. Not sure if this is WI specific, but it is written in the WI code and statutes….n



    futureCPA86 – You really need to look at the specifics of your state board requirements for work experience. Some states say you have to be supervised by a CPA and others say that a CPA only has to have direct knowledge of your work experience. It just depends.

    Good Luck.


    i have the same exact work experience scenario as you and it all depends on your state. For example, mine's NY – so I already emailed all of my former employers which include internships. All are happy to sign off. As far as a CPA in another office is concerned, that maybe a problem. For example, in NY – your supervisor must be a CPA (practicing or not, out/instate) or a PA, which basically just means that at least one person above you in your whole department. You may try to ask both offices to see if the other office would be willing to sign off. Good luck!!!


    In WI, you can't use any experience you may have before you became eligible to actually take the exam. You have to have 150 credits and be approved to take the test before the clock starts ticking for experience. I had a 6 month internship at a CPA firm and have 3 years in my current role as a tax accountant in industry. When I sent in for my license after I passed the CPA exam, I could only use 1.5 years in industry toward my work experience because I had a few more classes to take before I became eligible to take the exam. Not sure if this is WI specific, but it is written in the WI code and statutes….

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