Passing the exam

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    I took REG yesterday. I didn’t realize the multiple choice questions getting any more difficult then the prior testlet. Has anyone ever passed the exam without the testlets getting harder? The simulations were ok, only had one tab that I had no idea what they wanted but I answered every tab.


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  • #218039

    I passed Reg last year. If I remember correctly, the second testlet was harder than the first one. But the third one was easier than the second one.

    On the sims, I remember the second one was much harder and I almost ran out of time so I just started throwing in answers so I had at least answered it all.



    I thought they were all equally hard and didn't notice any difference.


    With REG and FAR, I did notice the testlets getting harder.

    I did, however, pass AUD with a 91, and I thought the whole thing was not terribly difficult. Maybe not as easy as the first testlet, but the questions were not as hard as the 2nd and 3rd testlets in FAR and REG.


    In my FAR I did notice 2nd testlet being significantly harder but in REG nothing. I hope that’s not a sure fail 🙁


    I noticed no significant change in difficulty between testlets for my AUD & REG exams. I did for FAR, though.


    I couldn't tell at all with AUD or FAR. With AUD, I think it was because I had a pretty good handle on all of the information. With FAR, I think it was because I was equally clueless on each testlet! However, I ended up passing even though I spent a month convinced I had failed since I couldn't tell a difference. So don't psyche yourself out too much!


    I have a bit of a dilemma and was hoping to get some advice. I took REG which was my first exam ever a few months back in Oct, finally got my score in Dec and i failed..okay no big deal, it happens to most. Now I just took BEC under the same NTS about two weeks ago and I did not come out of feeling so good about it, there is an excellent chance I failed that one too. I work at a big firm and busy season is basically here all the way through March. I figure there is no point to sign up for a new NTS yet but I have no idea if that is the right move and what I should be studying for next. Help Please!!



    I signed up for a section and could not study properly nor did I even sit for that exam due to busy season. It was an absolutely wasted fee. Don't make my $240 mistake: sign up for an exam only when you're ready and able to use it. Incidentally, my coworker signed up for an exam and paid to push it back another month. If he had bought his NTS too early, he may not had this option.

    Typically, two to three months out is when I have my NTS ready to go to secure my test date.

    BEC 78 - 11/27/2008 | AUD 84 - 08/10/2009
    REG 82 - 11/23/2009 | FAR 84 - 01/19/2010
    -| Passed all sections |-


    Thanks for the advice Jaywalk. I spoke around with a couple of people and I'm definitely going to wait to schedule any exam. I'm thinking of probably taking BEC again (If I did fail) sometime April then hopefully FAR in the summer. I guess those are the two most important ones to knock off before 2011, when both those exams are going to be a bit different. I'll wait on REG for now, and audit isn't on my radar yet.


    After I took FAR in November was the first I knew the testlets could get more difficult. I did not notice any change in difficulty but I wasn't aware of it to notice. What I did notice were my simulations were basic, straightforward and almost to easy. I left the exam feeling okay, not feeling as if I bombed anything. I passed with a 77. If I had to guess, I would say my 3 MQ testlets stayed at equal difficulty.

    All and all you really don't know until you get your score.


    Well this is proof that you can pass the exam with 3 medium difficultly testlets. Good Luck to all taking the exams.

    The GaJone

    I didn't think my FAR teslets got harder at all (in fact, they might have gotten easier) as I went along and got an 81. However, my 2nd AUD teslet was laughably hard compared to the first which was a complete breeze, and the 3rd was pretty tricky also. I'm kind of anxious to see what kind of grade I landed on that one.

    FAR: 81 (1/20) AUD: 88 (2/27) REG: 91 (4/19) BEC: 75 (5/20)

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