Paid for all four exams, taken zero, NTS expires in November

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  • #158496

    Hello everyone,

    I paid for all four exams in May after several unsuccessful attempts to get a job after graduation. Then I got a job and had to postpone the first exams (had already signed up to become licensed in Arizona, was living in Indiana, but have since relocated to Connecticut). My NTS expires in November.

    Do I apply for another NTS?

    Will I have to pay for the exams again?

    Is there any way to get a refund from NASBA?

    If I have to pay again, I will try to take one in October and one in November, but if I don’t have to pay for the tests again, I think I will wait until 2011 so I can take all the tests with the new changes.

    Any advice? Thank you for your help!

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  • #239167

    As far as I know there are NO refunds for an NTS that are expiring. Unfortuniately, they tell you to only sign up for the exams you believe you can take within a 6 month period. I beleve the only way they make an exception is if there is a family trajedy and if it only involved postponing one exam. The good news is you have a job though! My recommendation would be to at least knock two of these exams out before your NTS expires… probably FAR and AUD because they will be incorporating new IFRS material. REG will have no changes in 2011 and BEC will incorporate written communication but most people say the written communication is what really helps them. Hey, if you're feeling really ambitious you could always try to get three done and only take REG in 2011!! Good luck to you!

    FAR: 78 BEC: 79 REG: 86 AUD: 74, 83 DONE!!!


    Take Koliver's advice.


    I would study for 2 and take the other 2 without studying (or studying a couple of hours for each). Since you are already out the money, you don't lose anything if you fail. If anything, you will become more familier with the test by taking all four. You may even pass a section. I passed BEC after studying only 3 hours or so. It can be done.


    I did the same thing back in 2008 only I did it intentionally to show my boss I could pass all 4 parts of the new exam just like the old exam. Boy…did I underestimate how hard they were.

    Here's what I think you should do….take all 4 exams. Book one for October 1st and one for November 30th. The other two can be spaced out accordingly.

    You still have 4 weeks of September to study for the October exam so you should be able to pass that one.

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