Oregon CPA License

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  • #2287068


    I cleared all my four sections in CPA. TO obtain a licence i need to submit a written narrative of my work experience. Did someone do it ? Can i have something for reference as a starting point ?


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  • #2287095

    I actually just decided to transfer my scores to WA and applied in Washington because I have heard over and over how difficult it is to get a license in OR if you're an industry-applicant. They deferred candidates for years in some cases, its pretty absurd. If you have public experience you should be fine – ask one of your peers for an example of what they sent.


    Thanks for your response. How easy it is to transfer to another state ? I do not have any peers who was registered in Oregon. Hence i am not quite sure on how to go about it


    After they received my transcripts and score transfer I got approved and my official license # a week after applying. Not sure what your work experience is and how that would play into it, but wow that was SO MUCH more efficient than the way OR does it.


    What will your experience be in? Do it in Audit if you can as that's the easiest route to go. That's what I did and the person reviewing my narrative only wanted one small explanation and once I gave it to him he approved my application. My good friend just became licensed and he went through the private industry route. That one is tougher, you have a committee look over your narrative and they scrutinize it more. But if you go the audit route it's just reviewed individually, not by a committee who discusses it, and it's overall much easier. Tax isn't near as bad as private industry but the questions do ask for a little extra info.


    Thanks a lot Nate for your response. I live in Idaho and hence i am planning to do a grade transfer. I don't have much exposure in Audit for the past one year under CPA. and In Oregon I need to have a direct supervisor who is a CPA. I don't have a direct supervisor.

    Could you please throw some light on ethics exam? How difficult it is ?



    I took the AICPA ethics exam and it was easy. I took the entire course cause I was interested in what was in it but some people just use the transcript to look up the answers. It was really easy though.


    Hi Nate,

    thanks a lot for responding. I am also taking the course and curious for the information.



    Did they just let you change it to Washington? Did you have to explain why you wanted to be certified in Washington rather than in Oregon? Is the license reciprocal in Oregon?

    AUD: 81 (10/30/15)
    BEC: 80 (01/19/16)
    REG: XX (05/XX/16)
    FAR: XX (07/XX/16)



    I wanted to get a licence in Idaho since i live here. I am preparing my application and hope the application goes through.



    Hi Vidhya –

    I was in a pretty odd scenario when applying for my license. I live in Idaho, work in Oregon (just over the border) and applied for my license in Washington using NASBA experience verification. Being a fairly niche industry, I have never had a direct supervisor that was a CPA so I had to get creative.

    The Washington application was hands down the quickest processing of an application I have ever heard of. Once I transferred scores from the Idaho Board ($10 fee), my college transcripts, and paid NASBA for experience verification, it only took a couple of days for Washington to clear my application.

    For me it works because I'm not in public/practice so I don't technically sign off on reports or anything. As long as I'm not trying to open up my own personal business or soliciting my license everywhere I'm not likely to run into any issues. Happy to answer any specific questions that you have – just let me know!



    Is there a stigma associated with getting a license in a state you don’t live in or work in? I don’t want to get a Washington license only to get slapped down by Oregon later on for circumventing their silly and excessive experience requirements for CPAs in industry. But I talked to Washington and it sounds like they have a lot of out-of-state people getting licensed there.

    AUD: 81 (10/30/15)
    BEC: 80 (01/19/16)
    REG: XX (05/XX/16)
    FAR: XX (07/XX/16)


    I dont think there is any stigme like thta. As long as you meet the requirements for a particular state, they would issue licence.

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