To “TheCPA”
In your post my friend, you say that you “studied each book (Wiley books) twice in about 10 days and just sat for the exam”.
I would bet 10 days of my salary that what you said contains elements of exaggeration, lying, and/or the act of not telling the ‘whole-truth' to the rest of your fellow bloggers because there is no way someone reads (not STUDY, I mean simply READ) the Wiley FAR book in 10 days! Don't lie my friend; do I need to tell you that lies, whether big or small, makes people lose their respect over you?
Oh, and I almost forgot, not only must one STUDY and LEARN the material, but one must also solve the questions that appear on the book at least once (unless you are a MASTER/Ph.D in ACCY and you've got some mad skills). Even if you flew through the practice problems – that is, in your first attempt – as if you were solving them in the real test taking environment (you must do 90 MCQ per 2.5 hours to save time for the Simulations in the actual exam), the Wiley REG and FAR contains 1000+ questions each, so even if you DID NOT study the book and went straight to the questions, solving the FAR questions alone would have taken you, at lest 30-40 hours, which means that alone would have taken you 4-5 days assuming that you studied 8-10 hours/day. hahaha
Furthemore, based on your comment that you “couldn't afford any software so I went with the wiley books”, I am assuming that you are either (1) fresh off college and (2) have no work experience and do not make money yet (You might be making money, just not enough to pay for Beckers? who knows) and (3) did not get a sponsorship from one of the big 4 ACCY firms, which means that even if you might have went to a Good ACCY College, you did not graduate in the top 30% cause you did not get a job that pays you well. So I doubt that you've got MAD skills studying from college OR even from working! (with all due respect to ppl who have yet found jobs)
It would be near impossible to study, for example the REG or FAR section ONCE using Beckers Review in the time frame of 10 days – let only Wiley, which has about 2 times the information in a much*100 less organized manner! Somebody who knows how small the font in the Wiley Books are, please help me out here!
Maybe you are telling ‘some' truth here, but to be honest, anybody who has seen the Wiley Books will have doubt towards your comment, and in that case, I will advice you to tell the ‘whole-truth', as in admit that you ‘just breezed through the Wiley Books' instead of saying you ‘studied it'.
REG[5/18] - P BEC[8/5] - P
FAR[7/9] - P AUD[8/30] - P